Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU daily digest: It’s Wednesday!

EGU daily digest: It’s Wednesday!

Yesterday was cinco de mayo, today is…the 6th of May. It’s hump day, and what better way to get over the mid-week blues than these unmissable morsels of science.

Today’s highlights:

Do you want to see how far automated mineralogy of thin sections has come? The latest advances from Rich Taylor from Zeiss suggest we can now do the whole thing with just an SEM. Check it out HERE. Don’t say: did I just waste years of my undergrad degree looking down a microscope?

Did the Toba eruption destroy the ozone layer 74000 year ago? Maybe, and perhaps this even led to a genetic bottleneck of the human species, where the genetic diversity gets massively reduced. New simulations by Sergey Osipov HERE

How much carbon has been recycled at subduction zones over the past few hundred million years? It’s a tricky calculation, but with big consequences. Check out Ben Mather‘s work here👈

What happens when sill intrude organic-rich shales? Could this release enough CO2 to drive a mass extinction? Big questions, attacked by Sean Gaynor, check it HERE

Adding a bit of water to a quartzite makes it easier to deform, according to a 60-year-old axiom. But how? And why? New research by Lucille Nègre revisits this classic question – don’t miss it, click HERE👍

Mike Jollands is an experimental petrologist at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, New York, USA. He studies the diffusion and substitution mechanisms of trace elements, making use of high temperature and pressure equipment to simulate volcanic and mantle conditions.

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