We’re happy to announce the 9th international young geomorphologists’ workshop, organized by the “Junge Geomorphologen” from Germany. The workshop will take place on 08.-10. May 2015 in Heimbach-Hergarten, near Aachen, Germany (see flyer). The meeting will provide an ideal opportunity to present your current work, to discuss problems and receive constructive feedback! We wa ...[Read More]
Christmas Post
Shortly before leaving our offices for Christmas holidays, we’d like to whish you all a merry Christmas and a perfect start into the new year! But before saying goodbye to you for 2014 we want to announce 3 important geomorphology events in 2015: EGU 2015 abtract submission on January 7th. In 2015 the EGU General Assembly will be from 12-17 April. The “2nd International Young Geomorphl ...[Read More]
Active groups in Geomorphology around Europe
When setting up the first ideas for this blog Jan, Lucy and I started to research different national groups of geomorphologists from around Europe. Lucy came up with 13 contacts to groups in Europe and some were happy to write some short notes about their great work national and partly international. To give you a small impression, some contacts and visions please see the following posts by the It ...[Read More]
Welcome to the new Geomorphology Blog
…we’re happy you made it to our first post! We felt that the growing Geomorphology community is lacking a unifying platform where posts and documents related to upcoming events, workshops, conferences and other newsworthy information reach many scientists at a time. Thus, with the help of Andreas Lang and Lucy Clarke, we launched this Geomorphology blog and hope that you find it useful and w ...[Read More]