

GSA Penrose Conference: CLAST2019, 4-10 August 2019, Juneau, Alaska

GSA Penrose Conference: CLAST2019, 4-10 August 2019, Juneau, Alaska

We are happy to announce the GSA Penrose Conference on Climatic controls on continental erosion and sediment transport (CLAST2019), 4-10 August 2019, Juneau, Alaska (USA). Key challenges remain in recognizing and reconciling how climatic and earth surface process mediate erosion independently of solid earth forcing. The relationship amongst climatic, erosional, and transport processes are exceedin ...[Read More]

Diving under the scientific iceberg

Diving under the scientific iceberg

written by: Anne Voigtländer, Anna Schoch, Elisa Giaccone, Harry Sanders, Richard Mason, Johannes Buckel At the EGU General Assembly international researchers from all earth science communities gather and share their most recent endeavors. This year, we, a group of European young geomorphologists, tried a new session format to address challenges we all face in our research, ranging from inaccessib ...[Read More]

ECS Events @EGU2018

Finally, the EGU general assembly is starting today. In order to give you some guidance what important events you should definitely not be missing out on, the ECS representatives (Micha Dietze and Annegret Larsen) put together this very nice timetable:

EGU – realm and maze?

– written by Micha Dietze, Annegret Larsen (both GM Early Career Representatives), and Anouk Beniest (EGU TS Early Career Representative) – An interview with the Susanne Buiter, the current chair of the EGU Programme Committee Susanne Buiter is senior scientist and team leader at the Solid Earth Geology Team at the Geological Survey of Norway. She is also the chair of the EGU Programme ...[Read More]

A geomorphologist’s winter refuge

– written by Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam – Why Swedish, Finnish and German geomorphologists meet in the boreal zone to drill holes into icy rivers and frozen ground. There are many ways to counter the lazy days between Christmas and the EGU meeting. One of the more promising ones is this: think of doing collaborative field work in February, in northern Sweden, on and around a frozen ri ...[Read More]

OCTOPUS: An Open Cosmogenic Isotope and Luminescence Database

OCTOPUS: An Open Cosmogenic Isotope and Luminescence Database

– written by Henry Munack, University of Wollongong – In geomorphology, radiometric dating methods have been on the rise during the past decades. Notably cosmogenic nuclide applications and luminescence dating gained great popularity because they quantitatively capture geomorphic processes on their process-inherent timescales. To date, globally more than 4,200 in situ detrital catchmen ...[Read More]

Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop 2018

Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop 2018

Since 2007, the German Young Geomorphologists organize annual workshops in order to support networking amongst early career geomorphology enthusiasts. The meetings provide a platform for open discussions on a wide range of problems that might have emerged within a particular research project. This year, we invite all interested young researchers / students in geomorphology and related fields to jo ...[Read More]

Do glaciers really do all the work? Perhaps not.

Kerry Leith from the Engineering Geology Department at the ETH Zürich set up a post on their latest publication and the backstory behind it. As they announced on their own website ( review comments ranged from “mediocre or poor” to “[…] provocative, potentially revolutionary (if correct) analysis”. It surely contains interesting thoughts. – ...[Read More]

50% Professorship = More time for family and science

50% Professorship = More time for family and science

Annegret Larsen had the fantastic idea to encourage her colleague Pascal Egli, both from the University of Lausanne, to explore the nature of a shared professorship. Pascal took the chance and interviewed Professor Martin Hoelzle  at the Swiss Geoscience meeting in November 2017. Professor Martin Hoelzle is a Geomorphologist/Glaciologist at University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He is also one of v ...[Read More]

Theoretical Geomorphology: Selling a seemingly boring topic

Theoretical Geomorphology: Selling a seemingly boring topic

Anne Voigtländer (TUM Munich) presented her poster at the EGU 2017 and attracted quite some attention. She drew everything per hand and besides chocolate bars and smiling mountains she touched some very interesting topics. Have a look and get inspired! – written by Anne Voigtländer (TUM Munich) – Have you ever tried to sell a text on theoretical geomorphology to students? Or even to your fellow sc ...[Read More]