

Highlighting EGU 2025 General Assembly Geomorphology Sessions

The entrance to the EGU General Assembly from a previous year. A banner over the entrance doorways reads

This blog post is part of our series: “Highlights” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily ( or Emma (, if you’d like to contribute on this topic or others.  Here at the EGU Geomorphology Division Blog, we’re starting up the New Year with a look forward to the highlight of our annual calendar: the EGU General Assembl ...[Read More]

A conversation with Fiona Clubb, GM Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee

A conversation with Fiona Clubb, GM Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Awardee

  Recently, EGU announced the 2024 medals and awards to be presented at the General Assembly in April, and the winner of the Geomorphology Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award is Fiona Clubb, Assistant Professor in Earth Surface Processes at Durham University. Fiona is geomorphologist interested in interactions between tectonics, climate, and surface process shape Earth’s t ...[Read More]

Crowd solving comes to the rescue again at EGU23!

Crowd solving comes to the rescue again at EGU23!

by Emma Lodes, PhD student, GFZ-Potsdam (Germany) Twitter: @LodesEmma    |    email: Research in Earth Science starts with the spark of an idea, and is then often challenged by issues with access, temporal or spatial scaling, lack of knowledge in specific domains, or simply road bumps in our lives. As Early Career Scientists (ECS), and especially as students, our individual pr ...[Read More]

In conversation with the new GM Division President Kristen Cook

In conversation with the new GM Division President Kristen Cook

Kristen Cook, Research Officer for the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), based at ISTerre, University of Grenoble, is the new elected president of the EGU’s Geomorphology Division. As she prepares to assume her new role during the 2023 General Assembly, the outgoing Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative, Aayush Srivastava, postdoctoral researcher at the University of S ...[Read More]

Introducing the Geomorphology ECS Team: the new and the old!

Introducing the Geomorphology ECS Team: the new and the old!

A dynamic and engaging team can make a world of difference, and the EGU GM Division’s ECS team is thrilled to introduce its new members (and reintroduce the old!). Drawing from the past traditions and also making judicious adaptions to fit the present, the current team is formed to strengthen the organisation and the members and identify and expand the synergies that can have a positive impact on ...[Read More]

[EGU 2022] International Tracing Day – UniVienna – Sunday 22 May

[EGU 2022] International Tracing Day – UniVienna – Sunday 22 May

Dear experts of sediment tracing, In addition to the tracing session that will be held during EGU on Monday 23 May in Vienna (in hybrid mode), together with Olivier Evrard (Univ. Paris-Saclay, in copy), we organise an additional International Tracing Day at the Univ. of Vienna on Sunday 22 May (just before EGU starts). After these long months of on-line activities, this will be the opportunity to ...[Read More]

A year of Geomorphology Division behind the curtain (2020-2021)

A year of Geomorphology Division behind the curtain (2020-2021)

– written by the GM ECS team: Andrea, Aayush, Annegret, Edwin, and Eric – – edited by Jan and Sabine – Here we are, at the beginning of #vEGU21, finalising our contributions, getting familiar with new platforms and interfaces, and preparing to make the most of this virtual conference, once again. This post is a joint communication by the GM Early Career Scientists represent ...[Read More]

EGU General Assembly 2019 – all info you need

The European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 is about to open its doors. With less than two weeks time, we would like to provide a small guideline if you attend this EGU GA 19 for the first time and/or if you are an Early Career Scientist (ECS). We, that are your Geomorphology (GM) Division ECS Represenatives: Michael Dietze and Annegret Larsen, together with the ECS Rep team members Eric ...[Read More]

EGU mentoring programme 2017

 – by Susanne Buiter TS Division President – EGU is launching a mentoring programme at its 2017 General Assembly for novice conference attendees, students, and early career scientists. The programme aims to facilitate new connections that may lead to long-term professional relationships within the Earth, planetary and space science communities. We anticipate the programme to be a rewar ...[Read More]

From process to signal – A Galileo conference on environmental seismology (6-9 June 2017)

I would like to draw your attention to the EGU Galileo conference ( “From Process to Signal – Advancing Environmental Seismology”  taking place in Ohlstadt, Bavaria, Germany from 6-9 June 2017. The workshop is orgnized by a team from the GFZ Potsdam (Jens Turowski, Michael Dietze, and Anne Schöpa), and aims to discuss the current u ...[Read More]