![[EGU 2022] International Tracing Day – UniVienna – Sunday 22 May](https://blogs.egu.eu/divisions/gm/files/2022/04/2022_Tracing_Day_Vienna_220522-700x400.jpg)
Dear experts of sediment tracing,
In addition to the tracing session that will be held during EGU on Monday 23 May in Vienna (in hybrid mode), together with Olivier Evrard (Univ. Paris-Saclay, in copy),
we organise an additional International Tracing Day at the Univ. of Vienna on Sunday 22 May (just before EGU starts). After these long months of on-line activities, this will
be the opportunity to discuss again in person about the challenges associated with sediment fingerprinting. (No hybrid participation will be possible for this study day).
You will find more information on this event and the registration procedure here: 2022_Tracing_Day_Vienna_220522
Please feel free to circulate this information among colleagues who may be interested to participate.
Looking forward to seeing you again soon,
Kind regards,
Olivier Evrard & Sabine Kraushaar