A dynamic and engaging team can make a world of difference, and the EGU GM Division’s ECS team is thrilled to introduce its new members (and reintroduce the old!). Drawing from the past traditions and also making judicious adaptions to fit the present, the current team is formed to strengthen the organisation and the members and identify and expand the synergies that can have a positive impact on the important work we are all doing. Following GA meeting in Vienna last month, the team has doubled from four members to eight, bringing in people with different expertise and experience. In addition to allowing more effective management of the GM Division specific activities, the new team will allow more events organised around the year with the aim to continue to offer greater support to the wider ECS community in general, the EGU and beyond.
The New!
Danni is a glacial geomorphologist and lecturer at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Her research focuses on understanding the extent and dynamics of past and present ice masses, in the Arctic and pan-North Atlantic. Her post-doctoral work investigated the Greenland Ice Sheet and reconstructing millennial-scale tidewater glacier behaviour. Having regularly attended EGU since 2012 she is looking forward to working with the GM ECS team. Her twitter is @danni__pearce.
Gerald is a geomorphology driven geologist, currently working as Postdoctoral Fellow at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. In his research, he uses geochronological and geochemical techniques to determine surface processes, mainly erosion and topographic evolution. He is looking very much forward of joining the GM-ECS Team and hopes that his support will serve the community well.
Rachel is a postdoc at the University at Buffalo, USA in palaeoglaciology. She focuses on alpine glaciology throughout the Quaternary, primarily based in Scandinavia and Greenland and is now expanding to Antarctica. Her PhD work investigated the relationship between geomorphic cirques and climate. She has attended EGU in 2018, 2020 and 2022. She is looking forward to being a part of the GM ECS team. Her twitter is @rpassig1.
He is a tectonic geomorphologist, currently working as Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Roma TRE in Italy. His research addresses questions including how geomorphic systems record geological signals, such as tectonic, uplift and climate, and which are the main controlling factors on development of topography in terrestrial and marine environments. He is very happy to join the GM Team and contribute in the EGU community.
..and the old!
Aayush is the current ECS representative for the Division. He’s a postdoctoral researcher at the University of St. Andrews, with background in luminescence dating and aeolian geomorphology. Currently, he is investigating the terraced landscapes in the Mediterranean region in the context of establishing an environmentally sustainable land-use strategy for rural communities. Having benefitted from EGU’s annual meetings in the past, he aims to represent diverse voices of fellow young geomorphologists in the Division’s decision-making processes and activities. Follow him on Twitter (@aayushgeo) for recent updates about his work.
Andrea is a tectonic geomorphologist at University of Tübingen, Germany. He works as a Postdoc on surface expressions of seaward-concave subduction zone geometry. Andrea has been enjoying and benefiting from the EGU annual meeting ever since 2013 and is very happy with the way things go in the union and now feels to be ready to get his hands dirty to work as GM ECS representative. He is looking forward to doing his share with an open-minded and social spirit.
Edwin is a lecturer in physical geography at Loughborough University in the UK, having recently been a postdoc in New Zealand and France. His research broadly covers understanding and quantifying the physical processes that drive changes in river morphology, including waterfall erosion, strath terrace formation and the impact of extreme flood events. He can usually be found in the analogue modelling laboratory, or exploring remote field sites in Iceland or New Zealand! Follow Edwin on twitter (@EdwinBaynes) for the latest updates on his work.
Eric is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He works on various aspects of cold region landscapes related to climate change and variability. A central point of his work is the numerical modelling of the hydrological cycle, and the heat transfer from the atmosphere into the ground in permafrost regions. Ultimately, he aims for a better understanding of climate-landscape interactions.