
edited by Rebekka Steffen

Rebekka is a researcher at Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority). She is working on glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling with a focus on stress field changes and model development, and is involved in the development of a European velocity model as part of EUREF (Regional Reference Frame IAG Sub-Commission for Europe). Rebekka is also the chair of a IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Joint Study Group on GIA. She received her PhD in 2013 from the University of Calgary.

Geodesists on Tour: On the left side of the road for getting the g

Geodesists on Tour: On the left side of the road for getting the g

Getting the small g (the absolute gravity value) outdoors has always been some sort of a challenge. But, in the early 2000s the possibility to measure gravity has changed by the arrival of the first A10 absolute gravimeters. They to a large extent revolutionized the approach of performing gravity measurements in the open field and with that improved the approach to design and measure national grav ...[Read More]

EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – Third Edition

EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – Third Edition

  We all welcome you around our third EGU Geodesy Campfire to listen to two exciting talks by Early Career Scientists (ECS) Kyriakos Balidakis and Giulio Tagliaferro. The Geodesy EGU Campfire Events “Share Your Research” will give early career researchers the chance to talk about their work. Below you can find detailed descriptions about their talks. We will have time for networking after the ...[Read More]

Around the world with Professor Vening Meinesz onboard the submarine K-XVIII: Exploration of the Solid Earth

Around the world with Professor Vening Meinesz onboard the submarine K-XVIII: Exploration of the Solid Earth

  On 14th of November 1934, the Dutch travelled to the harbor of Den Helder situated in the north of the Netherlands to catch a glimpse of the departure of Hr. Ms. K-XVII: A submarine of the Royal Dutch Navy setting sail on a trip around the world. Onboard was a unique traveler and with his non-typical height of 2 meters tall, he towered above the average submarine sailor. Professor Vening Me ...[Read More]

Geodesists on Tour: GPS measurements on Antarctica

Geodesists on Tour: GPS measurements on Antarctica

  Stories from the field – how exactly are those GPS data collected? The geodesy community at large benefits from the many science projects with open data policies.  A user simply has to navigate to a data portal, download the data, and within a matter of moments a world of possibilities opens up for potential research.  But where exactly do these data come from?  While scientific results get ...[Read More]