Cryospheric Sciences


Cryosphere Caps: PhD hats and the researchers that wear them – Episode 2

A group of people standing around a person holding a decorated hat in their hand.

This miniseries features the tradition of ‘PhD hat’ making in German research institutes and universities. For those of you unfamiliar with this idea (as I once was), this is one of the final milestones a graduate student has before they are officially a “Dr.”. Upon the successful defense of a thesis, the labmates of the PhD student craft a graduation hat from a mishmash of scrap cardboard and mem ...[Read More]

Cryosphere Caps: PhD hats and the researchers that wear them – Episode 1

Cryosphere Caps: PhD hats and the researchers that wear them – Episode 1

This miniseries features the tradition of ‘PhD hat’ making in German research institutes and universities. For those of you unfamiliar with this idea (as I once was), this is one of the final milestones a graduate student has before they are officially a “Dr.”. Upon the successful defense of a thesis, the peers of the PhD student craft a graduation hat from a mishmash of scrap cardboard and memora ...[Read More]

Happy birthday to the Cryoblog!

Collage of four people with the heading

  The EGU Cryosphere Blog is now 10 years old: Happy Birthday! It all started in December 2014 with this blog post from Nanna Karlsson, and now counts 452 blog posts across 25 blog categories, including winning three Best EGU blog posts (2016, 2019 and 2021). 881 different (hash)tags were used in our blog posts, with way more counts on Antarctica and climate than the Arctic. Since the start, ...[Read More]

The more the merrier – Interview with the two new Cryo ECS representatives

A women on the left in front of a glacier face and a women on the right on front of a city landscape.

After two years of great work, our current cryosphere division ECS representative TJ Young is passing on the task of representing the needs and wishes of the cryosphere division early career scientists (ECS). As they make up a majority of the EGU members, their representatives make sure to see their needs and voices heard. You might know that the EGU ECS community is represented by two union-level ...[Read More]

3 Reasons to engage in early career networks

3 Reasons to engage in early career networks

There are several early career groups, which are affiliated with cryosphere-based research in one way or another. APECS (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists) is an international network that is present during many occasions and events in the world of polar research. Have you ever wondered why busy early career researchers (ECRs) use their time also for volunteering in such groups? Today, ...[Read More]

Women of Cryo VI: Women and Glaciers in the Chilean Andes (Part II)

Women of Cryo VI: Women and Glaciers in the Chilean Andes (Part II)

In Chile, gender imbalance in science mirrors the international context, even though the Americas have been recognised as a region where women’s representation in science has increased, compared to other countries (UNESCO 2015 statistics and this study). However, Chile still has one of the lowest ratios of women participating in STEM (33.1%), followed by Mexico and Peru, as shown in this study. In ...[Read More]

Parenting in Academia: Challenges and Perspectives

White print on pavement with parent holding kid by the hand

Trying to juggle teaching, advising, publishing, finding a new (or permanent) job, relocating, attending conferences, and actually doing research sometimes requires more hours in the day than exist (oh and that global pandemic situation is sticking around). Additionally, many scientists have children or are starting a family at the same time as maintaining and building a career. In this week’s blo ...[Read More]

Women of Cryo IV: Virginia ‘Ginny’ Fiennes (1947 – 2004)

Women of Cryo IV: Virginia ‘Ginny’ Fiennes (1947 – 2004)

Women make up 50.8% of the worlds population, yet fewer than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. Of this percentage, BAME (Black Asia and Minority Ethnic) comprise around 5%, with less than 1% represented in geoscience faculty positions. The divide between women in the population and women in STEM needs to be addressed. Through a series of blog posts we hope to raise the voice of women in th ...[Read More]

Women of Cryo III: Women monitoring the Peruvian glaciers

The ruins of a hidden majestic city as Machupicchu in Peru immediately call for our attention. However, there are far more beautiful attractions found hidden amongst the landscape, such as the glaciers, high mountains or the cultural heritage in the area. In South America, glacial bodies are geographically restricted to the Andes, the mountain range that runs across the continent from the tropics ...[Read More]

Introducing TJ Young, our new early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU!

Introducing TJ Young, our new early-career representative for the cryo-division of the EGU!

Every two years, the Cryospheric Sciences division of the European Geophysical Union (EGU) elects a new representative for its early-career scientists. Starting in April 2021, Tun Jan (TJ) Young will take over the role from Jenny Turton, who is the outgoing representative. TJ shares a bit about himself and how his previous leadership experience aligns with the goals of EGU’s early career scientist ...[Read More]