Despite the current situation, the European Geosciences Union has decided not to give up on its most important event of the year: the EGU General Assembly. While they usually meet in Vienna every late April/early May, geoscientists will meet online this year! This event, called “shareEGU20” gives every interested geoscientist the opportunity to attend the EGU general assembly, free of charge and from the comfort of their own home. In this blog, we want to provide some information to help you navigate through shareEGU20 and not miss out on the important Cryosphere and Early Career Scientist (ECS) events still taking place.
ShareEGU20 – What’s left of the conference feeling?
Although they have moved online, scientific sessions, great debates, union symposium session and a handful of short courses are all still taking place!
If your abstract was accepted to a session, you are expected to upload a display. This means that there is no difference between oral, poster or pico this year. Find out how to upload your display here. Your material can include a video, voice recording, presentation, poster, a collection of figures. It is open to you! Still not clear what this display should be? Have a look at this post! Worried about sharing your unpublished science online, check this post out!
Anyone with a Copernicus login can go online, view your scientific material and discuss it online until May 31st. Additionally, you can talk with scientists and conveners of sessions during a live chat period. Take a look at the programme for the specific time and date. If you are feeling lost, check out GeoLog, the EGU-wide blog. It has lots of tips and information for navigating the first online EGU conference.
Our exclusive tips to improve your ‘icy’ shareEGU20 experience!
Throughout the week (May 4th to 8th 2020)
47 scientific cryosphere sessions (including those run jointly with other divisions) are planned throughout the week, 64% of them convened by at least one ECS. Early career scientists now make up over 50% of the cryosphere division! Don’t miss out on networking activities and more interdisciplinary events. Please check out the number of other events taking place besides the scientific sessions!
Do you have kids at home and want to get them involved with EGU? This year’s painting competition is run by the geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and volcanology (GMPV) division. The theme is ‘volcanic paint’ but you can use any materials that you have to hand. Let your children’s imagination run wild- from volcanoes to beyond! If you would like your child’s art work to be shared online throughout ShareEGU20 week, then please send photos to ecs-gmpv@egu.eu or add #shareEGUartKIDS to your social media posts. The deadline for submission is 3pm on Friday 8th May.

Let your kids’ imaginations run wild and have their artwork displayed on the EGU social media channels. Image credit: Maike Neuland
Monday 4th May
10:45am (CEST): the first Great Debate takes place. The theme of the debate is ‘cutting carbon in the geosciences: conference participation vs online streaming and fieldwork vs remote observations’. This idea came from a cryo-division member, is convened and moderated by cryo-division members and features a cryo-scientist on the panel! The debate will take place via zoom and will feature 4 panelists, with questions taken from the audience. Join the debate on time to secure your space, as zoom has a maximum capacity of 100.
Tuesday 5th May
Online from 12:30pm (CEST): ‘Science blogging for beginners’ short course. This is one of the few short courses still running and is convened by our cryo-team members Clara and Violaine, together with Valeria from the Natural Hazards Division and Elenora from the Tectonics and Structural Geology Division. The best way to see if science blogging is for you is to simply give it a go. Are you interested in creating your own blog or joining an existing blog team? Then this short course is for you! Whenever you have one hour to spare during the week, check out our pre-recorded webinar to learn about the basics of science blogging and follow a practical exercise. Take the opportunity to get feedback on a blog post draft by sending us the result afterwards by email. You could even be published in one of the EGU blogs!

Learn some tips and get involved with science blogging. Image credit: Andrew Neel at Unsplash.
Wednesday 6th May
12:30 pm (CEST): ‘Mind your head’ short course. Academia and the stress of studying can take a toll on your mental health. In this pre-recorded webinar, you will hear from three panel members who give advice on taking control of mental health and share their experiences.
7 pm (CEST): A virtual networking event for the cryosphere division takes place. This is a fun, social event aimed at bringing together the ECS in our division. Throughout the week, EGU will be hosting this event for different divisions. During the hour-long event, you will be split into smaller ‘breakout’ groups where you can chat to your peers before moving groups. Think speed dating, but without the dating part. The Early career Glaciologists Group (EGG) of the International Glaciological Society will also be joining us. You can attend more than one event if you are feeling super social. Keep an eye on the ‘networking’ section of the programme. Please join on time, as zoom has a maximum limit of 100 people.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://fau.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vcuyrrj0jGNMEnoqXemyKvJgDP9OeiqYw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Join us for the ECS networking event on Wednesday and the cryo-team meet-up on Thursday. (We can’t promise that dogs will be present, but you can bring yours). Image credit: visuals on unsplash.
Thursday 7th May
12:45 pm (CEST): CR Division meeting. Each year a cryosphere division meeting, hosted by the division president, Olaf Eisen this year, takes place. This is an opportunity to communicate with the cryosphere division members and discuss any business. The meeting presentation has been uploaded and you can give your say from 12:45 to 1:45 pm on the live chat.
6 pm (CEST): Are you interested in getting involved with the cryo team? Who are the cryo team? Come and meet us! The cryo-division representative, social media team and chief-editors of the blog will host a social, drop-in event for you to find out more about us and how you could get involved.
Register in advance for this meeting: https://fau.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlf-yrqDgiGtf4ZHH6WYqEfHK1zHgQ6Oca After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Friday 8th May
10:45 am (CEST): Union symposium: ‘Communicating a global climate crisis’. This union-wide session will include advice on how to communicate with the public and policy makers and highlights the current issues in communicating a complex topic such as climate change. Many well-known science communicators are involved, and there will be time for discussion after the talks. Join the online session from 10:45 am to 12:30 pm.
After the shareEGU20 week
shareEGU20 will continue beyond the first week of May. We will keep you up to date with events that are organised via our twitter account.
Wednesday 3rd June
4 pm (CEST): Do you normally use the conference for careers advice? EGU is hosting a webinar focusing on ‘careers outside of academia’. It won’t be cryosphere-specific but will feature a panelist who is in our division! EGU also has a working group for careers and jobs, who meet regularly to ensure that career development is a core part of EGU.
ShareEGU20 Cryosphere Division on social media
You may know that we are quite active on twitter, and this won’t be any different during shareEGU20 week. We will use the hashtag #shareEGU20_CR to share information about sessions, networking and events. Join the conversation and use this hashtag in your posts. We will do our best to retweet and share information to the wider scientific community!
As always, we are really excited for this year’s EGU Conference! The online format provides challenges but also opportunities for members of the scientific community from all over the world to join the conversations and take part. Thank you to all conveners and scientists who have pushed for the success of shareEGU20 and put in extra effort!
Edited by the EGU Cryosphere Blog Team
This blog was written by the EGU Cryosphere Team and the Early career Glaciologist Group (EGG). Both groups are active on twitter via @EGU_CR and @egg_igs