Climate: Past, Present & Future

Highlighting climate sessions at vEGU21: Gather Online

With the abstract deadline at 13th January, we would like to highlight some of the fantastic sessions that are offered in the climate division in 2021. Due to the large amount of offered sessions, we focus in this overview on EDI sessions. EDI stands for equality, diversity, and inclusion and the EDI logo highlights sessions that include conveners from multiple countries and institutes, different career stages, and more than one form of gender identity. More info can be found here.


CL1 Past Climates

Paleoclimatologists that work with ice cores, should check out Thomas Bluniers et al.’s session The state-of-the-art in ice coring sciences (StatICS) that welcomes all related contributions including drilling and processing, dating, analytical techniques, results and interpretations of ice core records from polar ice sheets and mid- and low-latitude glaciers, remote and autonomous methods of surveying ice stratigraphy, and related modelling research.

If you are interested in carbonates, have a look at Speleothem and Continental Carbonate Archives of Modern and Palaeoenvironmental Change by Jens Fohlmeister and co-conveners. They welcome contributions relating to climate records, long-term monitoring campaigns, and proxy-system models.

A more interdisciplinary session is presented by Christian Zeeden et al. In Integrating stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleoclimate and human evolution in- and out of Africa they work towards a better understanding of human-climate interactions and encourage submission from (geo)archaeology, paleoecology, paleoclimate, stratigraphy, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions.


CL2 Present Climate

Urban climate, urban biometeorology, and science tools for cities by Natalie Theeuwes and co-conveners welcomes contributions from both the observational and modelling communities examining urban atmospheric and landscape dynamics, processes and impacts owing to urban induced climate change, the efficacy of various strategies to reduce such impacts, and techniques highlighting how cities are already using novel science data and products that facilitate planning and policies on urban adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of climate change.

Roberta D’Agostino et al. invite submissions addressing the interplay between Earth’s energy exchanges and the general circulation using modeling, theory, and observations in their session Energy and moisture cycles: interactions and changes with large-scale atmospheric and oceanic circulation.

Another interesting session by Prashant Kumar Srivastava and co-conveners deals with the Impact of climate change on agriculture. They invite original works concerned with the development or exploitation of advanced techniques for understanding the impact of climate change on agriculture.


CL3 Future Climate and Anthropocene

If you are working with polar climate, check out David Chandler et al.’s session about Tipping points and (in)stabilities in polar climate components. They are interested in contribution dealing with ice sheet dynamics in the near future, and feedbacks between rapid ice loss, ocean circulation, sea ice and the atmosphere.

The session Earth resilience and tipping dynamics in the Anthropocene by Jonathan Donges and co-conveners invites contributions on all topics relating to Earth resilience, such as assessing the biophysical and social determinants of the Earth’s long-term stability, negative feedback processes, modelling and data analysis and integration of nonlinearity, tipping points and abrupt shifts in the Earth system, and the potential for rapid social transformations to global sustainability.

Help our understanding of climate response under different emission scenarios in the session Towards a net-zero world: remaining carbon budgets, climate response to different emission pathways, and implications for policy by Katarzyna Tokarska and co-conveners. They welcome welcome studies exploring different aspects of climate change in response to future emission scenarios, in addition to studies exploring carbon budgets and the TCRE framework.


CL4 Climate studies through timescales

If you work in the Arctic, the session by Marit-Solveig Seidenkranz about Arctic changes – processes and feedbacks in climate, ocean and cryosphere might be of interest. Friends of atmospheric circulation modeling should visit the session by Michael Byrne et al about Dynamics of the atmospheric circulation in past, present and future climates.

The multidisciplinary session Climate change in the Mediterranean region: understanding the processes, assessing the impacts and designing adaptation by Andrea Toreit and co-conveners encourages contributions from a broad range of disciplines such as dynamics and processes of the climate system; sectorial impacts of climate change; climate change adaptation and mitigation; innovative methods and approaches in climate science.


CL5 Tools for climate studies

Many useful new methods can be presented in the sessions of this program. Check out Novel and quantitative methods for reconstructing continental palaeoenvironments and palaeohydrology by Ola Kwiecien et al and Radiocarbon as an environmental tracer – novel techniques and applications by Caroline Welte and co-conveners. Moreover, there is a session about Geochronological tools for environmental reconstructions by Arne Ramisch et al. and Simple climate models: development and applications by Christopher Smith and colleagues.


CL6 Short Courses

Last, but not least, there a many cool short courses to visit during EGU. We would like to highlight the Panel Discussion Careers inside and outside of academia, Application of age models in palaeoclimatology and geomorphology, and Statistical and Dynamical Methods for Geophysical Extremes.


We are looking forward to see you virtually at vEGU21: Gather Online and hope that this compilation helped you deciding where to submit your abstract!

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