EGU Blogs



Congratulations to the winners of the EGU24 Photo Competition!

Congratulations to the winners of the EGU24 Photo Competition!

For this year’s Photo Contest, EGU received a number of amazing images capturing a broad spectrum of the geosciences. Since the selection committee whittled the field down to 10 finalists, you have been voting for your favourites throughout EGU24’s week-long conference, both on-site in Vienna at the EGU booth, and online. After an enthusiastic response from voters, we are now ready -and very ...[Read More]


Looking for answers towards the stars: stone tools and nuclides unveil the earliest solid evidence of humans in Europe

Looking for answers towards the stars: stone tools and nuclides unveil the earliest solid evidence of humans in Europe

When stars explode, supernova-style, the explosion sets off streams of high energy particles across the universe, mainly protons and alpha particles, that after millions of years reach us here on Earth. Secondary cosmic rays pass through our bodies and almost everything around us, and they penetrate a few meters into the ground where they interact with atoms in soil and rock. This produces new iso ...[Read More]


Turning adversity into opportunity: mapping plastic pollution in rivers

Turning adversity into opportunity: mapping plastic pollution in rivers

In July 2021, the Benelux area, Germany, and France experienced heavy rainfall followed by mass flooding, causing widespread damage. Along the vast quantities of plastic swept along the riverbanks, Rahel Hauk, a researcher from Wageningen University, conducted fieldwork to assess the impact of the flood event on plastic deposition. Amidst the debris, Hauk and her colleagues noticed a large volume ...[Read More]


Past ice and future predictions – scanning and drilling the changing Antarctic ice

In front of the blue EGU press conference background, Olaf Eisen (left), Robert Larter (middle) and Emma Pearce (right) are engaged in discussion.

Did you know that some of the scientists of each General Assembly get invited to a press conference to face a group of curious journalists? I did not – but as press assistant for the #EGU24, I had the unique chance to attend the press conference “Unveiling Antarctica’s secrets: new research brings us one step closer to predicting the future of the icy continent”. Prominent scientists (Fig.1) ...[Read More]


Beyond the output

Beyond the output

The EGU General Assembly provides ground for formal presentations and sessions conveying a body of knowledge. However, science is so much more. It is a social process driven by shared values, such as openness and integrity, and established customs, like peer review. As such, working in science is inherently a collaborative effort, and the EGU supports that by giving participants plenty of opportun ...[Read More]


Soil bacteria that hunt like a wolfpack? Myxobacteria and their role in the food web

A photo of a wolf in the middle and four microscopic images of colourful bacterial cultures around it.

Picture this: bacteria that can slime their way around the soil, finding their prey, circling it, closing in on it and lysing it (or making their cell pop), just to feed on their prey. It sounds like a far stretch from a wolf to a bacteria, but even other soil predators, the comparably huge nematode worms ( up to 100 times bigger!), are afraid of these bacterial “wolves”. I went to the Soil System ...[Read More]


What’s beneath Tenerife? Innovative Monitoring Techniques Reveal the Island’s Volcanic Activity

What’s beneath Tenerife? Innovative Monitoring Techniques Reveal the Island’s Volcanic Activity

Tenerife, the largest active volcanic island in the Canarian archipelago, encompasses a diverse landscape shaped by volcanic activity. This picturesque island of the Mediterranean not only boasts stunning vistas but also harbours a dynamic volcanic system that requires diligent monitoring. In recent years, an international team of researchers from Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN), In ...[Read More]


The new EGU colouring books!

The new EGU colouring books!

Every year EGU tries to provide more ways for people to interact with us and in 2021 we were delighted when one of our Artists in Residence Kelly Stanford, working together with members of our EDI Committee created a free colouring book! It was so popular that we decided to make two more, one with simpler drawings based on common Earth, planetary and space related concepts, nominally targeted at y ...[Read More]


There’s something for everyone at EGU24: Education, Outreach and Science Communication sessions

There’s something for everyone at EGU24: Education, Outreach and Science Communication sessions

Science is a bit like posting a letter – once you’ve written the letter it needs to be delivered to the right people and in the right way. At EGU24 attendees are invited to participate in the numerous and diverse selection of sessions which aim to improve how you deliver your research, how you understand the needs of different audiences – from policy-makers to school students – and whi ...[Read More]


How to make the most of EGU24: from EGU Events Manager Jane Roussak

How to make the most of EGU24: from EGU Events Manager Jane Roussak

The countdown to EGU24 continues and we are now only DAYS away from the much anticipated conference week. With an event of such magnitude, it’s no surprise that some people, particularly first time attendees, may find it intimidating to navigate the conference. Don’t you worry… I’ve got you covered! So whether you’re attending the EGU General Assembly for the first or ...[Read More]