EGU Blogs



Connecting Earth scientists and school students – Apply to take part in I’m a Geoscientist!

Connecting Earth scientists and school students – Apply to take part in I’m a Geoscientist!

What and when Imagine a talent show where contestants get voted off depending on their skills in their area of choice. Then imagine that this talent show is populated by scientists with school students voting them off based on the scientist’s ability to communicate their research well. This is the basis of a recent EGU educational initiative that launched earlier in 2014, and that will return in 2 ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Guest Blog: Water of Life Project – Safe Drinking Water in Burkina Faso

Guest Blog: Water of Life Project – Safe Drinking Water in Burkina Faso

Christopher Barry was the winner of our Blog Competition in 2012, with this article on safe drinking water in Burkina Faso. Christopher was privileged to be able to visit Burkina Faso prior to writing this, a very rural country where a great number of people are dependent on drilled wells with hand pumps for clean water. In Ouagadougou he met Mark Collier, where they talked at length about hydroge ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

My drone summer – Johnny Ryan

My drone summer – Johnny Ryan

In the summer of 2014, our group at Aberystwyth University and the University of Cambridge decided to pursue an ambitious but exciting field campaign in West Greenland. The aim was to survey Store Glacier once a day using a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (see photo above for a view from the UAV on its way back from a mission with Store Glacier, West Greenland in the background). The UAV ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: An ancient landscape and the never setting sun.

Imaggeo on Mondays: An ancient landscape and the never setting sun.

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays image is brought to you by Florian Heinlein, a meteorologist by training now working on his PhD modelling water transport in agricultural plants. This image was taken even before he started his bachelor’s degree and studying the Earth’s atmosphere and climate change was still a pipeline dream. This picture was taken during a holiday trip through the Baltics in July 2 ...[Read More]


GeoEd: Citizen Geoscience

GeoEd: Citizen Geoscience

In this month’s GeoEd column, Sam Illingworth tells us about the growing use of Citizen Science within research as a means of acquiring data. Whilst the practice is novel and offers exciting opportunities as to volumes of data collected Sam highlights the importance of appropriately crediting the work of the willing volunteers. Citizen Science is a phrase that is currently de rigour in scientific ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences



Hello and welcome to the blog of the EGU Cryosphere Division. This blog aims to spread the enthusiasm for ice in all its forms – from snow, glaciers and ice sheets, to ice crystals, extra-terrestrial ice bodies and isotopic ice composition. The blog will feature stories related to cryospheric research, particularly the latest in fieldwork programmes, research projects and scientific results. With ...[Read More]


Launching the new EGU Blogs!

Launching the new EGU Blogs!

Welcome to the new home of the EGU Blogs! Today we are proudly launching a new webpage which now houses all the EGU blogs in one place. We have redesigned the website to give the blogs a more modern layout and have implemented a fully responsive page design. This means the new blogs website adapts to the visitor’s screen size and looks good on any device (smartphones, tablets, laptops or desktops) ...[Read More]


Welcome to the new Geomorphology Blog

Welcome to the new Geomorphology Blog

…we’re happy you made it to our first post! We felt that the growing Geomorphology community is lacking a unifying platform where posts and documents related to upcoming events, workshops, conferences and other newsworthy information reach many scientists at a time. Thus, with the help of Andreas Lang and Lucy Clarke, we launched this Geomorphology blog and hope that you find it useful and w ...[Read More]


Measuring with sub-mm accuracy, who cares? WE DO!

Measuring with sub-mm accuracy, who cares? WE DO!

Welcome to the official blog of the geodesy division of the European Geoscience Union. Hosted by the EGU (thanks for that!), the blog is currently being brought into life by the geodesy division presidents and myself. Of course, anyone who has even the slightest curiosity towards geodesy is happily invited to pay us a regular visit. To stigmatize right away, most geodesists will probably be, eithe ...[Read More]