EGU Blogs



Can our oases outlast the dry spell of desertification?

Can our oases outlast the dry spell of desertification?

Ever wondered how fast our planet is losing its footing? Imagine this: every time you blink, four football fields’ worth of fertile soil vanish into thin air. According to the UN, that’s a mind-boggling 100 million hectares gobbled up by land degradation each year! But when this happens in dry regions, it morphs into something even more sinister: desertification. Karina Lima, a climate ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during June!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during June!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For February, the Divisions we are featuring are: Geomorphology (GM) and Ocean Sciences (OS). They are served by the journals: Ocean Science (OS), Earth Surface Dynamics (ESurf), Solid Earth (SE) and Geoscientific Mode ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Reynisdrangar basalt sentinels

Imaggeo On Monday: Reynisdrangar basalt sentinels

This year for the EGU24 Photo Competition we had some amazing photos submitted! In case you missed them before the meeting, for the next few weeks we will be featuring all 10 of the shortlisted photos, and our three winners! This week, Francesco Ioli’s image ‘Reynisdrangar basalt sentinels’.   The Reynisdrangar basalt stacks rise dramatically out of the sea in front of the b ...[Read More]


Worried your speaking invitation is just tokenism? Here is what to do next!

Worried your speaking invitation is just tokenism? Here is what to do next!

A few years ago in my early postgraduate years, I was approached by a renowned organisation in Norway. They wanted me to speak at one of their biggest events. I was thrilled and did not even think twice before accepting the invitation. They flew me to the city where the event was held, provided me with accommodation, and during the panel discussion, I enjoyed the spotlight and indulged in those si ...[Read More]


Creating family-friendly conferences in geosciences: a new study needs your help!

Creating family-friendly conferences in geosciences: a new study needs your help!

Do you think managing a scientific career and having a family is difficult? Would you like to see more family support at conferences? So do we! ‘We’ are Lisa Schielicke, Leonie Esters, and Elena Päffgen from the Meteorological Department of the University of Bonn in Germany. Together, we are working on the project “Family-Friendly Conferences in the Geosciences” to increase ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Temple in floodplain

Imaggeo On Monday: Temple in floodplain

This year for the EGU24 Photo Competition we had some amazing photos submitted! In case you missed them before the meeting, for the next few weeks we will be featuring all 10 of the shortlisted photos, and our three winners! This week, CiJian Yang’s image ‘Temple in floodplain’.   In southwest Taiwan On the plains, rivers meandering, Water for rice fields, livelihoods growin ...[Read More]


Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets

Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets

Last month, on 19 April 2024, Subimal Ghosh from IIT Bombay brought immense pride to India by receiving the Alexander von Humboldt Medal 2024 at the EGU 2024 General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. This prestigious award in Geoscience recognizes Ghosh’s exceptional work in hydrometeorology, climate services, climate education, and the societal impacts of the South Asian Summer Monsoon System. Ghosh i ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet Alessandro Silvano, winner of the 2024 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding ECS Award!

Alessandro Silvano

Hello Alessandro. Thank you for joining me for this edition GeoTalk! Could you tell our readers about your background before we dive in?  I am an oceanographer based at the University of Southampton (UK). I am interested in polar oceanography and ice-ocean interactions. The focus of my work is to understand the processes that control ocean heat transport toward rapidly-melting Antarctic glaciers. ...[Read More]


Interview with Peter van der Beek, President of EGU

Interview with Peter van der Beek, President of EGU

Hello Peter, thank you for taking the time to speak with us and welcome to your new role as President of EGU! Can you tell us a little about yourself and what led you to this role? I am a professor of General Geology at the University of Potsdam in Germany. Originally from the Netherlands, I consider myself European. After completing my PhD at the Free University in Amsterdam, I did a postdoc in A ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during May!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during May!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights section. This May we are not highlighting any specific Division as our monthly plan will start in June, so this month our GeoRoundup Journals will be alphabetical!   Highlights Earth System Dynamics: Dependency of the impa ...[Read More]