EGU Blogs



GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during March!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during March!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For March as we approach the General Assembly we are not highlighting any specific Division, so this month our GeoRoundup Journals will be alphabetical!   All highlights for March!   Atmospheric Chemistry and ...[Read More]


How to run your own event with our pop-up networking scheduler at EGU23

How to run your own event with our pop-up networking scheduler at EGU23

Attendees at the EGU23 General Assembly can organise their own events using the the Pop-up Networking Scheduler! Registered participants can use the online tool to organise networking events both inside, outside, and beyond the conference centre – including virtually. All events organised using the Pop-up Networking Scheduler will appear on the conference programme. The scheduler is designed for a ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet General Assembly decision makers, Maria-Helena Ramos and Athanasios Nenes

GeoTalk: meet General Assembly decision makers, Maria-Helena Ramos and Athanasios Nenes

Hello! Thank you for joining this special edition of GeoTalk. Before we dig deeper, could you both introduce yourselves? Hello! I am Helena, a research scientist in hydrology at INRAE, a national research institute in France. I have been involved with EGU for several years now, first as presenter (my first participation to an EGU General Assembly was in 2001 in Nice!), then as convener, sub-progra ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – ONE WEEK LEFT!

Imaggeo On Monday: the EGU Photo Competition – ONE WEEK LEFT!

In 2010 EGU held our first annual Photo Competition at the General Assembly in Vienna. Since then hundreds of photos have been shared on imaggeo by geoscientists and researchers just like you, with a lucky few being selected each year to be highlighted during the meeting and voted on by our members.   These images can be of anything to do with geology or geoscience – we get many beautif ...[Read More]


Join the Life-Work-Balance activities at EGU23!

Join the Life-Work-Balance activities at EGU23!

Dear fellow scientists (and readers joining us at EGU23!), It’s us again, the “Life-Work-Balance” group of EGU. We are a team of scientists organizing various events related to life-work-balance during the EGU General Assembly and would like to share our experience with you. For this year’s General Assembly we are organizing several short courses and pop-up events to offer some guidanc ...[Read More]


What you can do to ensure a safe and inclusive EGU23!

What you can do to ensure a safe and inclusive EGU23!

It is true that academic gatherings like scientific conferences can offer great opportunities for career advancement, such as building stronger networks, highlighting your research, and finding new opportunities for collaboration. Unfortunately, many conferences are not equally inclusive to all (see the image below) and can pose as unsafe environments for presenters and participants. With EGU23 on ...[Read More]


How to make your EGU23 presentation accessible to all

EGU23 image of two rock formations forming a gateway to the river plains beyond, with the EGU logo and the EGU23 title

Most people spend their time and effort making their presentation engaging and impactful, but what about accessibility? An accessible presentation takes into account the diverse backgrounds and abilities of the audience, to enable better understanding and recall of the content shared. This is also true for the way we share scientific research: presenters would do well to communicate their research ...[Read More]


First time at an EGU General Assembly? We got you covered!

First time at an EGU General Assembly? We got you covered!

Europe’s biggest geoscience conference is only 5 weeks away! Each year, the EGU General Assembly brings together over 15,000 researchers, scientists, academics and journalists to discuss and share the latest developments in planetary exploration, Earth observation, polar science, climate change, natural hazards, and much more. And it is held at the Austria Centre Vienna (ACV) which is big enough t ...[Read More]


EGU23 has something for everyone: Sessions on networking, policy, mentoring, jobs & careers

EGU23 has something for everyone: Sessions on networking, policy, mentoring, jobs & careers

As the 2023 General Assembly materializes on the horizon, it’s a good idea to take stock of what sessions you want to attend in advance of attending the assembly proper. Whilst the scientific sessions provide some of the highlights, EGU23 has a rich programme to tempt you to go beyond – including inline and in-person sessions dedicated to early career scientists (ECS) networking, job and careers, ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Meet Marisa Storm, Molecular Fossil researcher!

Marisa Storm

  Hi Marisa. Thank you for joining us today! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and your research? Hi, I am a geologist and organic geochemist, currently working as a postdoc at the NIOZ Netherlands Institute for Sea Research based on the island Texel. After my geology-focused undergraduate and master studies in Germany at the RWTH Aachen and Heidelberg University, I graduated wi ...[Read More]