EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


The sedaDNA scientific society, a collaborative network of international researchers working with sedimentary ancient DNA

A group of people working together on laptops around a table in a room.

Emergence of the field of molecular paleoecology Sequencing DNA of organisms that died a long time ago sounds like the synopsis of the movie Jurassic Park (1993). Let’s make it clear right now, dinosaur DNA has never been collected by humans. To date, the oldest DNA recovered is more than one million years old and comes from mammoths. In addition to the DNA recovered from fossils, aquatic and terr ...[Read More]


To accept or not accept: what makes a good scientific editor

To accept or not accept: what makes a good scientific editor

Researchers and those in academia sooner or later come across the scientific editor: the gatekeeper of scientific journals. The editor plays a key role in the publishing process, working closely with authors and reviewers to implement an unbiased peer-review process that upholds rigorous standards. They are often experienced scientists and experts in their field who ensure that the published resea ...[Read More]


Focusing on doing research or worrying about paying expenses?

Focusing on doing research or worrying about paying expenses?

Scientists and inventors like Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Nikola Tesla paved the road for generations of young people to pursue a career in STEM. Their curiosity underpinned their passion for science. Unfortunately, the bright side of something usually hides a dark side too. For example, Nikola Tesla struggled to find financial support for his experiments and inventions, often ending u ...[Read More]


20 years and 22 Divisions: EGU Division Presidents share their stories

20 years and 22 Divisions: EGU Division Presidents share their stories

It’s official: Europe’s leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space research has now entered the third decade of its existence! This week, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) celebrated its 20th birthday. Since it was first founded, EGU has grown in strength and scale to include 22 scientific divisions, responsible for activities related to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. I spoke ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Cryo Adventures – Installing a weather station on the Greenland Ice Sheet

Cryo Adventures – Installing a weather station on the Greenland Ice Sheet

Soaking up the sun and recharging batteries on a peaceful and quiet summer day, or fighting to stay upright during extreme snow storms in the middle of winter, while continuously recording valuable air temperature, pressure, wind-speed and so much more – such is the life of an automatic weather station on the Greenland ice sheet. Even though they are so remote, sitting by themselves surround ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet Jarmo Kikstra, researcher in energy transition under climate change!

Jarmo Kikstra

Hello Jarmo. Thank you for joining us for the interview today! Before we put our foot on the gas, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your research? Hi Simon, nice to meet you! Thanks for inviting me to chat with you about my research, and perhaps a bit about the person behind this research – it’s an honour! The basics; I was born in the Netherlands and lived in South Korea, the UK, ...[Read More]


The “Geo-journey” of a PhD Candidate Geophysicist from Sicily to Uppsala.

The “Geo-journey” of a PhD Candidate Geophysicist from Sicily to Uppsala.

Does the sound of pursuing a Ph.D. terrify you? Well, fear not because this week we have Samuel Zappalà from Uppsala University to tell us more about his inspiring story as a Ph.D. student at the Department of Earth Science in Uppsala. And, who knows maybe you will be inspired to pursue a Ph.D. in the future? How many times have you wondered if it is worth taking the risk to pursue a Ph.D. abroad, ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

Fire impacts on Earth across space and time: a discussion-driven conference

Fire impacts on Earth across space and time: a discussion-driven conference

Earth is the only known planet with fire activity – everywhere else, there is not enough oxygen for this process to occur. Since fire appeared on Earth many millions of years ago, it has played a key role in the development of plant adaptation and the distribution of ecosystems. However, the natural occurrence of fire changed with the onset of human evolution. The purposeful use of fire for ...[Read More]


Open Science in the real world today: takeaways from the EGU22 Great Debate

Open Science in the real world today: takeaways from the EGU22 Great Debate

On Wednesday 25 May, as part of the 2022 General Assembly of the European Geoscience Union, we held a “Great Debate on Open Science” that was attended by over 100 EGU participants both on-site in Vienna and online. The debate was organised by Francesca Pianosi and Jamie Farquharson with support from Remko Nijzink, Riccardo Rigon and Stan Schymanski, who also co-chaired a technical session on Open ...[Read More]