Presenting at an international conference is daunting, even for the most seasoned of scientists; not so for Thomas Maier (a second year university student) who took his research (co-authored by Lukas Kamm, a high-school student) to the EGU 2016 General Assembly! Not only was their work on developing a moisture sensor impressive, so was Thomas’ enthusiasm and confidence when presenting his r ...[Read More]
If you didn't find what you was looking for try searching again.
EGU GA 2016 – You don’t get older, you get better!
This years general assembly is over and its buzz still ringing in my ears. Here are a few spotlight impressions fresh off my mind. In the coming days and weeks, the complete brand new ECS representative team will present itself on the blog, and we will update you in more detail about highlights and low points of the conference. SCIENCE! Do we have to mention it was amazing? Yes, I’ve heard people ...[Read More]
Announcing the winners of the EGU Photo Contest 2016!
The selection committee received over 200 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Contest, covering fields across the geosciences. Participants at the 2016 General Assembly have been voting for their favourites throughout the week of the conference and there are three clear winners. Congratulations to 2016’s fantastic photographers! In addition, this year, to celebrate the theme of the EGU 2016 General ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Image of The Week – EGU General Assembly 2016
The EGU General Assembly, which takes place each year in Vienna, Austria, draws to a close today. Attended by nearly 13,650 participants from 111 countries, with around a third of those being students – a great turn-out for this vital part of the early career scientists (ECS) community! It has been a very productive meeting for the cryosphere division with a huge number and variety of oral ...[Read More]
Explore the Exhibition at EGU 2016!
Don’t forget to visit the Exhibition at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly! Exhibition booths for companies, publishers, scientific societies and many more are scattered throughout the Brown (basement), Yellow (ground floor), and Green (first floor) Levels of the Austria Center Vienna. See the General Assembly website for a full list of who’s attending and where to find them. Make sur ...[Read More]
Photo Contest finalists 2016 – who will you vote for?
The selection committee received over 400 photos for this year’s EGU Photo Contest, covering fields across the geosciences. The fantastic finalist photos are below and they are being exhibited in Hall X2 (basement, Brown Level) of the Austria Center Vienna – see for yourself! Do you have a favourite? Vote for it! There is a voting terminal (also in Hall X2), just next to the exhibit. The results w ...[Read More]
Geology for Global Development
#EGU16: Geoscience and the Sustainable Development Goals
At #EGU16? On Thursday we’ll be partnering with Parsquake and academics from the University of Tübingen to host an interactive, public splinter meeting on “Geoscience and the Sustainable Development Goals“! We’ll be posting resources from the meeting on our website after the event.
General assembly 2016: our session picks
Whether you’re an experienced attendee of the EGU GA, or this is your first time there are always things to look out for, it is always worth attending your division’s division meeting, one of the great debates, and keep an eye out for short courses which may be of interest to you. Here are the recommendations from the Biogeosciences Blogging team: The BG division meeting is Thursday from 12:15-13: ...[Read More]
What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2016
This year, there’s a great line-up of early career scientist (ECS) sessions at the General Assembly. Not only that, but there are opportunities to meet those that represent you in the Union, get to know other ECS in your field, and make the most of both the scientific and social sides of the conference… Networking First up for ECS is the icebreaker event on the Sunday before the meeting, while thi ...[Read More]
Geology for Global Development
GfGD at EGU16 – Summary Poster
Attending #EGU16? Come along to one of the events in the image above to find out more about our work, and the role of geoscience in global development frameworks! Not attending EGU16? We’ll be posting slides/poster downloads from all GfGD contributions on our website after the event. You can see some commentary throughout the week on both the GfGD Twitter feed (@Geo_Dev) and my personal account ( ...[Read More]