EGU Blogs

4939 search results for "6"


New Science Communications Fellow at the EGU Office

Hello everyone! I am a new Science Communications Fellow at the Union, where I will be working on the EGU Newsletter and assisting Bárbara Ferreira in developing media-related and science information communications. I am currently in the final stages of my doctorate (DPhil) at the University of Oxford, where my molecular biology project explores the diversity and ecology of Apusozoa, a phylum of f ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Sundogs in Alaska

The northern part of the US state of Alaska is tundra, an area where freezing-cold temperatures hinder tree growth. The result is an unobstructed view of the rising or setting sun that allows photographers to beautifully capture our star. It was in this treeless area that Yongwon Kim, a researcher from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, took this stunning photo of an eerie sun in 2010.Sundogs, at ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Frozen river meets the sea

This image shows part of the frozen delta of the Siberian River Lena. Thomas Ernsdorf, a researcher at the Department of Environmental Meteorology, University of Trier in Germany, took this photo during a Russian-German expedition to the Laptev Sea, the largest ice factory of the Arctic Ocean, in April 2008. “The main goal of the expedition was to investigate the polynia (large open water and thin ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Sky-high dancing lights

This photo, taken in early 2011 at Murphy Dome, a mountain in Fairbanks North Star Borough in the US state of Alaska, shows a beautiful natural phenomena known as aurora.Auroras, also called northern lights in the Northern Hemisphere, are stunning light displays visible mainly at high latitudes. There, it is easier for energetic particles from the Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind to follow the ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Volcanic twilight

Mount Etna, located in the east coast of Sicily in Italy, is one of the most active volcanos in the world and is home to spectacular eruptions. This photo, taken by Robin Campion from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in Belgium, shows bright-red lava and a smoking scoria cone on the upper east flank of the volcano during an eruption in 2006.“Fast-flowing lava flow was erupted from an eastwards tr ...[Read More]


Meet EGU at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

Are you attending the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco 5th-9th December? If so come and visit the EGU booth in the Exhibition Hall Tuesday, 6 December – Thursday, 8 December 0930h – 1800h and Friday, 9 December 0930h – 1330h in Booth 1428, near the AGU Marketplace. You can search a map of the exhibition hall online. In attendance will be the Executive Secretary, the current Science Communications ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Forest Fires

Forest Fires. Image by Sandro Makowski, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons licence. Slash and burn activity in Southern Ecuador. The photo was the taken during field work at the San Francisco valley, a microcatchment in the province of Zamora, south-east of Ecuador. The valley is the study area of the DFG research unit FOR 816 “Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of a Megadiverse Trop ...[Read More]


Geosciences Column: Why are jet streams not good wind energy sources?

Commercial airlines know jet streams well. Planes often hitch a ride on these strong, high-altitude atmospheric winds, which blow from west to east, to fly faster, and they are the reason why long-haul easterly flights (such as those between the US and Europe) are quicker than the corresponding westerly journeys. Scientists are also familiar with these fierce and persistent winds, which occur at a ...[Read More]


GeoLog is our new blog

This week, the European Geosciences Union is re-launching its blog with a new name, web address and design. Welcome to GeoLog! As with our official twitter account (first @egu2010, recently changed from @egu2011 to @EuroGeosciences), the previous blogs, and, were initially created in association with the annual EGU General Assembly. Posts, mostly about t ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: Fog over Forest

Fog over Forest. Image by Konstantinos Kourtidis, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons License. Fog sweeps over a pine forest in the early morning hours. The image was taken on a winter morning in February 2008. The photo was taken from the window of the photographer’s house in Xanthi, Greece. The fog is of the type of upslope fog or hill fog, which forms when winds blow air up a slop ...[Read More]