EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


Apply to become a BG Scientific Officer

Apply to become a BG Scientific Officer

Biogeosciences Division Structure During the last EGU Biogeosciences Division Meeting we revealed how the BG Division would evolve over the next 12 months with your support and guidance. The new BG structure will consist of eight sub-divisions illustrated below. This structure maintains the visibility, expertise and diversity of our Biogeosciences community whilst creating new thematics that provi ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU GMPV Campfires: See you in September!

EGU GMPV Campfires: See you in September!

The GMPV Campfires will take a summer break and will be back in September! We would like to thank all the speakers for sharing their science with the GMPV community and all the attendees for participating and helping to improve the discussion so far. Our goal is to create a network of early career scientists, both within GMPV and among EGU Divisions, so your contribution is precious! Let’s k ...[Read More]


Seismology Job Portal

Seismology Job Portal

On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal. Special Thanks to Eric Löberich for researching job postings for the ECS.


Crowd solutions to challenges in Earth Sciences

Crowd solutions to challenges in Earth Sciences

Research rarely follows a straight path and it is normal for challenges to arise during a scientific career. These challenges may come from scientific issues, like inaccessible field sites or data or unavailable/insufficient methods, or from social or personal problems and so on. This year we are facing an additional problem in our inability to meet in person, travel and go to the field. As we all ...[Read More]


Pride on board: working on an ocean-going research vessel as an LGBTQI+ person

Pride on board: working on an ocean-going research vessel as an LGBTQI+ person

Working from home during the pandemic has allowed many of us to look back on past experiences and to long for the days when our work in marine science took us to amazing places all around the world. Pride month is another great opportunity for reflection and to consider how things have changed for us as LGBTQI+ individuals and the community within STEM, including, on the International Day of the S ...[Read More]

Ocean Sciences

Connecting the Networks for a better Understanding of the Ocean

Connecting the Networks for a better Understanding of the Ocean

Research in many scientific disciplines can be done singlehandedly by learning from the printed pages, solving complex equations and analyzing the data while sitting alone in an office. But observational ocean science research demands an involved team effort to get meaningful insights of the ocean. This is primarily because: The Ocean is vast – it is humanly impossible for anyone to conduct resear ...[Read More]


Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 2

Meet the new Geodesy Science Officer – Part 2

In the past weeks you have met the president, deputy president and one science officer of the Geodesy division. Last but not least, we introduce you today to the second science officer: Xavier Collilieux. He also answered a few questions for us (including where his favourite place in Vienna is). Curious to find out? Then read below.   What is your position within the EGU and/or the Geodesy Di ...[Read More]

Climate: Past, Present & Future

Presenting the EGU Climate Division Team 2021

Presenting the EGU Climate Division Team 2021

Every year at the General Assembly all EGU members have a chance to vote for their representatives during the different division meetings. In the Climate Division, we have a team of President and Deputy President, a Programme Group Chair, Science Officers, as well as Representatives for the Early Career Scientists and an Outreach Team. There is further the OSPP Coordinator and the chairs for the H ...[Read More]


EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – First Edition

EGU Campfire Geodesy – Share Your Research – First Edition

We all welcome you around our very first Geodesy Campfire to listen to three exciting talks by the early career scientists (ECSs) Öykü Koç, Bart Root and Sebastian Strasser. The new Geodesy EGU Campfire Events “Share Your Research” will give ECSs the chance to talk about their research and get feedback on their presentation. Below you can find detailed descriptions about their talks. In addition, ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Slow science in times of COVID

Slow science in times of COVID

One of the earliest events of vEGU2021 was a debate on slow science organized by three early career scientists, with four invited speakers, Withney Behr, Valeria Cigala, Stuart Lane and Doerthe Tetzlaff. Before following this debate at vEGU21, I only knew the above door posting (on Stuart’s office door) and did not dig more into what is actually behind the movement – in my understanding it was sim ...[Read More]