EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


The Early Career Scientists group ‘Jobs and Careers’ is here to help all ECS!

The Early Career Scientists group ‘Jobs and Careers’ is here to help all ECS!

Early Career Scientists (ECS) often face challenges when it comes to finding and pursuing their career path. Science offers a wide variety of options, so building a career in or around science can be quite daunting, with no clear single path to follow. While research is an obvious career choice for ECS, it can be conducted in a variety of different settings; from academic and governmental institut ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

Meet the new GMPV Early Career Scientists Team!

Meet the new GMPV Early Career Scientists Team!

2021 has been a year of great change for the Early Career Scientists (ECS) Committee of the GMPV Division. We have formed a new ECS team for the organization of our monthly GMPV Campfires, and recruited new members in the Blog and Social Media Team, with a total of 16 members! Before introducing the new team, we would like to thank Emily Mason for her great work as ECS coordinator for the years GA ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

Meet and greet with the Natural hazards Early career scientists Team – NhET

Meet and greet with the Natural hazards Early career scientists Team – NhET

Do you know that there is a Natural Hazards team of clever, fun and friendly early career scientists? This team takes care of the blog you are reading (and we hope enjoying) and organises and helps with sessions, short courses and great debates during the EGU General Assembly. Moreover, we created a network of early to mid-career scientists from different disciplines and backgrounds of the Natural ...[Read More]


First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.

First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.

With the most recent call for sessions for the next European Geosciences Union General Assembly, a diverse provisional programme has been put together. If you have been assigned your first EGU session as a convener – congratulations! But what happens now? Early Career Scientists representatives Andrea Madella (GM), Anna Gülcher (GD), and Tommaso Alberti (NPG) discuss what it’s like to conven ...[Read More]


Social media for Early Career Scientists: is it really useful?

Social media for Early Career Scientists: is it really useful?

  In this period of confinement, most of the virtual interactions and news about the world come from the web and mainly social media. Today, we suggest looking at social media from the point of view of an early career scientist (ECS) and why we should (or should not) use them in our career path. In the next weeks, most of the international conferences will move on online virtual meetings and ...[Read More]


#shareEGU20: join our GMPV, TS, OS, SSP and SSS Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

#shareEGU20: join our GMPV, TS, OS, SSP and SSS Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

From Monday to Thursday during the week of #shareEGU20, the Early Career Scientists in our various Divisions are going to host a series of evening networking events. Find out more by clicking on the ‘Networking’ session search in the EGU Programme. If you are wondering if these events are for you, check out the Division description by the hosts included below. Every day this week we wi ...[Read More]


#shareEGU20: join our AS, CR, HS and GI Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

#shareEGU20: join our AS, CR, HS and GI Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

From Monday to Thursday during the week of #shareEGU20, the Early Career Scientists in our various Divisions are going to host a series of evening networking events. Find out more by clicking on the ‘Networking’ session search in the EGU Programme. If you are wondering if these events are for you, check out the Division description by the hosts included below. Every day this week we wi ...[Read More]


#shareEGU20: join our GD, NH, NP and PS Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

#shareEGU20: join our GD, NH, NP and PS Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

From Monday to Thursday during the week of #shareEGU20, the Early Career Scientists in our various Divisions are going to host a series of evening networking events. Find out more by clicking on the ‘Networking’ session search in the EGU Programme. If you are wondering if these events are for you, check out the Division description by the hosts included below. Every day this week we wi ...[Read More]


#shareEGU20: join our EMRP Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

#shareEGU20: join our EMRP Division Early Career Scientists for a networking evening!

From Monday to Thursday during the week of #shareEGU20, the Early Career Scientists in our various Divisions are going to host a series of evening networking events. Find out more by clicking on the ‘Networking’ session search in the EGU Programme. If you are wondering if these events are for you, check out the Division description by the hosts included below. Every day this week we wi ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

The multitasking skillbox of researchers, direct experiences from Early Career Scientists.

The multitasking skillbox of researchers, direct experiences from Early Career Scientists.

Science is “the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them” (Collins online dictionary). In other words, science is tightly linked to gaining knowledge. However, this definition and many others never mention that to gain knowledge through science, a vast amount of experience must be acquired beforehand and put into practice every day ...[Read More]