
science communicatin

Air quality in North India and links with groundwater management

Air quality in North India and links with groundwater management

by Swamini Khurana Air pollution in India, particularly in north India, is a long-standing problem (1,2) with reportedly 63% of Indians living in areas exceeding the WHO guidelines for PM2.5 levels of 40 µg/m3. This makes India one of the most polluted countries in the world (typically among the worst 5 countries over the past 4-5 years (3)), along with Pakistan and Bangladesh. In fact, this makes ...[Read More]

Groundwater: a sensitive but powerful tool

Groundwater: a sensitive but powerful tool

Guest contribution by Dr. Rosario Sanchez Flores, TAMU Yes, water is a delicate resource. You can barely hold it in your hand, but you can certainly feel it within your fingers; your skin; your nervous system. It has the power to change the energy of our body. It is as natural as magic. We convince ourselves that we control it, but it surprises us every time we think we understood it. It is not a ...[Read More]

Visualizing the invisible through art

Visualizing the invisible through art

authored by Grant Ferguson Groundwater is often thought of as out of sight out of mind and has even been accused of being not photogenic. The typical visualization tools used by hydrogeologists include maps, cross-sections and graphs. These can be effective, especially amongst ourselves, but it is difficult to invoke the sort of emotional response that is typical from seeing other hydrologic featu ...[Read More]

Bright Spots in Groundwater Management

Bright Spots in Groundwater Management

Announcing a new series of articles By Swamini Khurana Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is the coordinated management of natural resources including both water and land. IWRM informs a sustainable path to development without leaving a holistic view of ecosystems out of the context. Thus, it brings together professionals from a wide variety of professional backgrounds to ensure this hol ...[Read More]

Unearthing a new editorial team for Water Underground

Unearthing a new editorial team for Water Underground

Post by Tom Gleeson (University of Victoria) The Water Underground blog has existed for about 10 years, largely led by myself with many contributions from around the world (see About). I am excited to announce a new editorial team for the blog. They have emerged from the depths to bravely lead Water Underground into the future!   Who? The new editorial team of early career scientists are #sci ...[Read More]

Call for nominations for Water Underground Talks Season 2

Groundwater marquee for Water Underground Talks

Water Underground Talks elevates diverse voices, perspectives and groundwater research. In Season 1, eleven hydrogeologists from around the world shared their passions and exciting research on the connections between groundwater, climate, food and people. Season 2 will build on the success of Season 1 by releasing ~10 more videos that further elevate diverse voices, perspectives and groundwater re ...[Read More]

Elevating diverse voices and groundwater research from around the world with Water Underground Talks

Elevating diverse voices and groundwater research from around the world with Water Underground Talks

By Tom Gleeson and Viviana Re It has been a challenging year of a pandemic, economic collapse and an ever-increasing awareness of racism, all set against a backdrop of other global challenges including climate change and food security. We believe it is important to link groundwater with these challenges and to stay positive using our science and work as scientists to contribute to a better future. ...[Read More]

Video: Linking water planetary boundaries and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Video: Linking water planetary boundaries and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Water Underground creator Tom Gleeson prepared this quick research video (with no more than a toothbrush, a file holder, and a doughnut, in one take!) for the Ripples project meeting at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, that was held in April. In this video, he talks about using doughnut economics for linking water planetary boundaries and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Display "Linking wat ...[Read More]

Dowsing for interesting water science – what’s exciting at EGU 2019?

Dowsing for interesting water science – what’s exciting at EGU 2019?

Joint post by Sam Zipper (an EGU first-timer) and Anne Van Loon (an EGU veteran). Every April, the European Geophysical Union (EGU) holds an annual meeting in Vienna. With thousands of presentations spread out over a full week, it can feel like you’re surrounded by a deluge of water-related options – particularly since the conference center is on an island!  To help narrow down the schedule! ...[Read More]

Have you ever wondered if groundwater is connected to climate?

Have you ever wondered if groundwater is connected to climate?

Post by Tom Gleeson,  Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Victoria. ‘Groundwater-surface water interactions’ has become standard hydrologic lexicon and a perennial favorite session title at various conferences… but how often do you hear the phrase ‘groundwater-climate interactions’? A group of hydrologists, hydrogeologists, atmospheric scientists and geodesists that met i ...[Read More]