Geology for Global Development (GfGD) is a registered charity, working to mobilise and reshape the geoscience community to help deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To support this mission, a network of professionals is being established, aiming to promote GfGD’s vision and objectives, facilitate knowledge sharing and catalyse discussion around geoscience-for-development themes, an ...[Read More]
Careers in Geoscience-for-Development: Some Tips and Resources
One of the most frequently asked questions put to me is ‘how does a geoscientist develop a career linked to international aid or sustainable development?’. Here are some thoughts, recently curated for the 2018 GfGD Annual Conference report, together with examples of how GfGD’s work helps to mobilise geoscientists to engage in sustainable development. Geoscience matters, is critical to progre ...[Read More]
The ethical questions behind the school climate strike. Do we have a place in earth’s ecosystems? Jesse Zondervan’s February 2019 #GfGDpicks #SciComm

Each month, Jesse Zondervan picks his favourite posts from geoscience and development blogs/news which cover the geology for global development interest. This month’s picks include: The ethical questions behind the school climate strike; Military worries about the fight against sea-level rise – how will you help? Do we have a place in earth’s ecosystems? School climate strikes As school clim ...[Read More]
The Sustainability Argument for Open Access Publishing

Those who follow the work of GfGD, either via posts on this blog or more direct engagement, will know that there are a multitude of connections between geoscience and the Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs are almost impossible to disentangle from resource use and environmental pressures, subjects which are themselves cornerstones of modern geoscience. While this may be the case, a key questi ...[Read More]