Geology for Global Development

Himalaya Conference

Friday Photo (121) – Landscapes of Ladakh

Next week we’ll be announcing two new ways you can get involved with our hazards education programme in Ladakh (taking place in June 2014). Here is another of Rosalie Tostevin’s fantastic images from the region. Credit: Rosalie Tostevin

Research Reports – Ladakh Hazards Education

Over Christmas GfGD hosted three research placements, with reports being produced on (i) Himalayan geology, (ii) landslides in Ladakh, and (iii) social/cultural aspects of Ladakh. Those undertaking these projects did a fantastic job, and we are delighted to have published them on our website – available open-access for others to use. They will form important background reading for our projec ...[Read More]


GfGD are involved in a hazards education project in Ladakh, India, later this year. You can read more about this work on our website here. On Wednesday 26th March, King’s College London’s Intrepid Explorers team will be hosting a screening of ‘JUNGWA: The Broken Balance’ – a documentary about living with environmental change in this region of the western Himalaya. Liv ...[Read More]

Guest Blog: The Influence of Himalayan Geology

Amber Madden-Nadeau is studying Geology at Imperial College London. Amber recently wrote a report on the geology of the Himalayas, with a focus on the Ladakh region, as part of our hazards education project. Here, Amber summarises the important aspects of Himalayan geology and the influence they have on people’s lives.    The Himalaya mountain range stretches over 2500km, influencing th ...[Read More]