Geology for Global Development


Reviewing Key Development Agreements of 2015

2015 has been a significant year for global development efforts, with major agreements on disaster risk reduction, sustainable development and climate change. The hard work has only just started, with significant work needed over the coming years and decades to deliver real, positive change. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015-2030 Agreed in March 2015, this framework aims to s ...[Read More]

#EGU16 – Sessions of Interest

The EGU General Assembly 2016 takes place in Vienna between the 17-22 April 2016. Abstract submission is now open for their fantastic range of sessions, with support applications open until 1st December 2015. These offer financial support to early-career scientists and established scientists from low, lower-middle and upper-middle income countries. We’ve noted some sessions of immediate rele ...[Read More]

Geology and the Sustainable Development Goals – Conference Resources

Last week Geology for Global Development gathered 125+ students, recent graduates and professionals to consider the role of the geosciences in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Hearing from speakers in industry, academia, government, the public sector and civil society – we considered how we can contribute over the next 15 years to their aims of ending extreme poverty, fighting i ...[Read More]

EGU15 Discussion: Geology and International Development

Yesterday, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna played host to an informal discussion on ‘best practice’ when working in the global South. Organised by Geology for Global Development, the event gave people an opportunity to reflect on the skills and practices that could be integrated into our geoscience work to promote sustainability and support development w ...[Read More]