Continuing the theme of sanitation from earlier this week, here we present a range of sanitation infrastructure, taken across Tanzania. There are some obvious and some subtle differences in the infrastructures being used. Consider how the different building types may have an impact on (i) security and personal safety, (ii) hygiene, (iii) latrine longevity, (iv) smell (note the ventilation pipe in the middle photo).
Photo Credit: Joel Gill (taken in Kagera, 2009)

Joel is the Founder/Director of
Geology for Global Development (
@Geo_Dev) an organisation working to support geologists to make a sustainable contribution to the fight against global poverty. He is an
interdisciplinary researcher, with a PhD in geography (natural hazards), and research interests in multi-hazard frameworks, disaster risk reduction, rural water projects, and sustainable development. This work has taken him to Chile, China, Guatemala, India, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. Joel is currently based at the British Geological Survey, and tweets at