
women in geoscience

Women in science: Inspiring and honest stories that call for support and change

Women in science: Inspiring and honest stories that call for support and change

Sometimes, a simple story in a book or movie lights a spark and makes a young person curious about science. These young minds grow up dreaming to be mathematicians, scientists, doctors, engineers, technologists, and astronauts. But the road to being a woman or girl in science is rarely an easy one – even today in 2022! Despite the collective awareness of and push to break gender barriers and dispa ...[Read More]

#NominateHer – gender matters in awards and medals

#NominateHer – gender matters in awards and medals

Today is International Women’s Day around the world, a day where we celebrate the progress that women, and people across the gender spectrum, have made towards gaining equity, but also take a hard look at how we can do better to support these under-represented groups in our societal structures. For scientific organizations, one of the most visible ways that we can note both the disparity bet ...[Read More]