
Ingrid Anell

Ingrid Anell is an associate professor in sedimentology at the University of Oslo. She has a PhD from the University of Copenhagen and her main research interests include mixed energy process regimes, geometric controls on prograding geometries, and CO2 storage in geological media. Ingrid is originally from Sweden, she lives with her husband and two children in Norway.

More and more molehills – The effect of accumulated unconscious gender bias

More and more molehills – The effect of accumulated unconscious gender bias

“Who are these men?!” he says, seeming genuinely baffled. I feel my shoulders rise towards my ears with tension as I wait for him to continue. The man is summarizing what his group, comprised solely of men, have arrived at during their group-discussion at the gender equality seminar we are taking. We have been presented with, I might say, “the usual” statistics for academic women. A pr ...[Read More]