
open access

Cyclone Idai disaster: European agencies foresee climate danger but poor countries stumble.

Cyclone Idai disaster: European agencies foresee climate danger but poor countries stumble.

Cyclone Idai, which was labelled by the UN as possibly the worst climate calamity to ever hit the Southern Hemisphere, pounded Beira, Mozambique, in March 2019. The European Space Agency images revealed that a huge new inland ´lake´ measuring about 80 miles by 15 miles, an area the size of the European state of Luxembourg, had suddenly been created by  the catastrophe. However, millions of residen ...[Read More]

EGU Photo Competition 2021: Now open for submissions!

EGU Photo Competition 2021: Now open for submissions!

If you are registered for the 2021 online General Assembly vEGU21 (19 – 30 April), you can take part in our annual photo competition! Winners receive a free registration to next year’s General Assembly!   The eleventh annual EGU photo competition opens today, 15 January. Up until 31 March, every participant pre-registered for the General Assembly can submit up to three original photos a ...[Read More]

Open Access publishing and Open Science at conferences: what do you need to know?

Open Access publishing and Open Science at conferences: what do you need to know?

Earlier this week EGU’s Policy Officer, Chloe Hill was lucky enough to sit down with one of the many advocates for Open Access publishing on EGU’s Publications Committee: Ulrich Pöschl. Whilst all the members of our Publications Committee are fully committed to making EGU’s journals accessible and open, Ulrich has a unique perspective on this, as he is also the initiator and co-c ...[Read More]

The most-read EGU journal articles in 2020!

The most-read EGU journal articles in 2020!

This year EGU published more than 3,300 peer-reviewed articles in our 19 Open Access journals. Upon learning about this impressive number of articles, which equates to just over 61,000 journal pages, we wondered: which of these were the most popular? You can find out in the following list of the most-read article for each EGU journal. From the substructure of extremely hot summers and the potentia ...[Read More]