You have been matched! I take a deep breath and click to open the message. Two women from Iran, a Master and a PhD student. Their research interests match mine: geohazards, geomorphology and modeling. I’m filled with pure joy. Being an Iranian woman myself, doing science outside of Iran for over two decades, I feel I am finally returning home. Carrying a backpack filled with knowledge and experien ...[Read More]
Being a mentor at the General Assembly 2020

With more than 16,000 participants, 5,000 oral presentations, 9,000 posters and 1,200 PICO presentations, the EGU General Assembly can be an overwhelming experience for any scientist, whether it’s your first time or 10th time attending. However, you can make conference networking a bit easier by signing up for the EGU 2020 Mentoring Programme! This mentoring scheme aims to facilitate new connectio ...[Read More]
Mentoring programme at EGU 2020
With more than 16,000 participants, 5,500 oral presentations, 9,400 posters and 1,200 PICO presentations, all under one roof, the EGU General Assembly can be an overwhelming experience. There is a network of corridors to navigate, as well as a wide range of workshops, splinter and townhall meetings to choose from. With that in mind, we’ve put in place some initiatives to make the experience of tho ...[Read More]
Do’s and don’ts for attending your first General Assembly

The prospect of attending a large international conference during your PhD can be really daunting, especially if you’re only in your second year and in the early stages of data collection. That’s why I hadn’t planned on going to one until my third year. But thanks to winning some travel funds, this time last year I was preparing to attend the EGU General Assembly 2018 in Vienna, a scary but exciti ...[Read More]