

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during December!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during December!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For December, the Divisions we are featuring are: Cryospheric Sciences (CR), Soil System Sciences (SSS) and Tectonics and Structural Geology (TS). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model Develo ...[Read More]

The European Science-Media Hub: Bringing scientists, journalists and policymakers together

The European Science-Media Hub: Bringing scientists, journalists and policymakers together

This month’s GeoPolicy blog post introduces the European Science-Media Hub (ESMH) along with its key initiatives. It also takes a deeper dive into the organisation through a Q&A that we were thrilled to have with the Head of the European Parliament’s Scientific Foresight Unit Theo Karapiperis and the coordinator of the ESMH Svetla Tanova-Encke.   In 2017, the European Parliament’s Panel f ...[Read More]

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during November!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during November!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For November, the Divisions we are featuring are: Energy, Resources and Environment (ERE), Nonlinear Processes in Geoscience (NP) and Seismology (SM). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific Model De ...[Read More]

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during October!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during October!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For October, the Divisions we are featuring are: Planetary Science (PS), Solar-Terrestrial Science (ST) and Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems (GI). They are served by the journals: Geoscientific ...[Read More]