

Imaggeo On Monday: Aurora Australis with Southern Cross and Pointer stars

Imaggeo On Monday: Aurora Australis with Southern Cross and Pointer stars

This view from the Port Hills of Christchurch in New Zealand glances South over Governors Bay into the distance, where an Aurora Australis is visible near the horizon. Almost in the center of the starry sky the Southern Cross with its 2 Pointer stars are showing prominently.   Description by Ulrich Schreiber, after the description on   Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open acc ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Increasing Moon – seen from Hamburg

Imaggeo On Monday: Increasing Moon – seen from Hamburg

The image shows the increasing moon on March 16, 2016, seven days before the full moon. 53.3% of the lunar front are already illuminated. The moon does not glow on its own, but its surface reflects the sunlight. The sun always illuminates a complete half of the moon, which, in its orbit around the earth, always turns its face (which we see at full moon) toward the earth.   The reason for the ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Transit of Venus over the Sun

Imaggeo On Monday: Transit of Venus over the Sun

The object of this photo is the transit of planet Venus in front of the Sun which took place on June 6th 2012 and was the last event of this kind until 2117! This is a very rare event with respect to a human life span and the transit always happens in pairs, 8 years apart, with a repeatability of more than two centuries. The picture was captured on the shore of the Black Sea, in Vama Veche, Romani ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Space plasma in a jar

Imaggeo On Monday: Space plasma in a jar

Laboratory visualisation of solar wind interaction with Earth’s magnetic field. The Van Allen radiation belt, Earth’s magnetosphere, “bow shock” and a solar coronal hole can all be seen, and are emphasized with the ‘Planeterrella experiment‘, a vacuum chamber in the shape of a bell jar with the ‘Sun’ on the left (in the form of a large metallic sphere) and the ‘Earth& ...[Read More]