
how to

#shareEGU20: what to expect from the live text chats

#shareEGU20: what to expect from the live text chats

With #shareEGU20 less than a week away, have you decided which live text chats you want to participate in? The live text chats that make up the sessions are a new way for us to try discussing our science and we hope people will give it a try, but as it is entirely new, we thought we would make a quick walk-through video to show what it looks like. So, if you are wondering about how to access or en ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: comments on your display presentation

#shareEGU20: comments on your display presentation

Now that you have uploaded your presentation materials, you might start to get some comments! This is great news and is exactly how we hope people will use our format to share ideas about their research. If you are wondering about how you will be informed that your display presentation has comments, how to reply and what to do if you need to report a comment for violating the EGU’s Code of C ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: publication and copyright

#shareEGU20: publication and copyright

Several questions have come up recently about uploading materials to #shareEGU20 and what that means in terms of copyright protections and publication. So we have decided to address two of the biggest questions here:   Will sharing my content on #shareEGU20 affect my chance of publishing it later? Short answer: No, it shouldn’t. Long answer: it depends on where you plan on publishing, as some ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: uploading your materials, a webinar and walk-through

#shareEGU20: uploading your materials, a webinar and walk-through

Due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, EGU has made the decision to cancel this year’s physical General Assembly in Vienna and instead offer a partial alternative meeting online, called #shareEGU20. Over the next few weeks in the run up to #shareEGU20, which will be held from the 4 – 8 May 2020, we will be posting regular updates and information about how to get involved, what EGU ca ...[Read More]