

GeoTalk: meet Megan Holdt, researcher of mantle dynamics & Geodynamics ECS Representative!

GeoTalk: meet Megan Holdt, researcher of mantle dynamics & Geodynamics ECS Representative!

Hello Megan! Welcome to GeoTalk. Could you tell our readers a little bit about yourself and your background? Hi Simon, thank you for inviting me to GeoTalk! I am originally from Australia and studied geology and geophysics at the University of Sydney. After I finished my undergraduate degree, I worked as an earth scientist for almost seven years. I really enjoyed my time in industry, but I felt th ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Salt marsh in El Rocío (Huelva, SW Spain)

Imaggeo On Monday: Salt marsh in El Rocío (Huelva, SW Spain)

The coast line of Huelva is furrowed by wetlands and sprinkled with salt flats. These areas are a sanctuary for wildlife and are visited by migrating birds travelling between Europe and Africa. In these wetlands grow the salt cedar, the Phoenician juniper, the mastic tree, the Montpellier cistus, the rockrose, the kermes oak, rosemary, cordgrass, reeds and bulrushes. The picture shows part of the ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Intriguing artwork by heat-loving microbes

Imaggeo On Monday: Intriguing artwork by heat-loving microbes

The geothermal area Sol de Mañana is part of the Altiplano–Puna volcanic complex shared between Bolivia and Chile. The area is characterized by volcanic activity and the sulphur springs host mud lakes and steam pools. The different colours stem from thermophilic, hyperthermophilic and acidophilic bacteria that colonize areas of varying temperatures.   Description by Julia Miloczki, after the ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Green Energy of Kamchatka

Imaggeo On Monday: Green Energy of Kamchatka

The Mutnovsky Geothermal Power Plant is the largest geothermal power plant in Russia (the time of writing). It is located near to volcanic mountain Mutnovsky at altitude of 800 m and has a capacity of 50 MW. The Mutnovsky Geothermal Power Plant has resolved the problem of raising the stability of the power supply for the Kamchatka region, at the expense of using the richest stocks of thermal heat ...[Read More]