
geoscience communication

How to make your geoscience communication publishable: Find out at EGU23

How to make your geoscience communication publishable: Find out at EGU23

A long time ago, when I walked into the Ministry of Education building in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) to inquire about offering an earthquake education workshop in a public school, I had no research agenda, let alone thinking about publishing it one day. All I wanted was to do something useful: sharing earthquake science with school children. Recognizing the value of geoscience communication, my graduat ...[Read More]

Winners announced: Here are the best EGU Blog Posts of 2022!

Winners announced: Here are the best EGU Blog Posts of 2022!

As future-focused as we like to be at EGU, we sometimes pause to look back at the year gone by – just a brief glimpse to appreciate all the good work of 2022! As always, we had so many inspiring and thought-provoking blog posts published this year across the EGU’s official blog GeoLog and division blogs. Thank you to each of you for your writing contribution! To continue our annual appreciation fo ...[Read More]

A Pedagogical Dance: EGU’s Teacher-Scientist Pairing Scheme

A Pedagogical Dance: EGU’s Teacher-Scientist Pairing Scheme

An email from Giuliana Panieri, a geology professor at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø, cracked my pandemic bubble late last year. She invited me to join an unconventional expedition (AKMA OceanSenses) to the Arctic Ocean, where scientists worked hand-in-hand with other societal actors, to integrate different kinds of knowledge and create tools that help open up people’s minds to a ...[Read More]

How a Spanish newspaper experiment is improving public understanding of climate change

How a Spanish newspaper experiment is improving public understanding of climate change

Climate change is not a new phenomenon. Nor is global warming. So why do researchers report a poor public understanding of this subject around the world? According to a recently published study, 70% of the people surveyed said they were concerned about rising global temperatures but had little knowledge about the climate crisis. When asked how much they knew about the origin and effects of global ...[Read More]