
geoscience communication

GeoTalk: meet Sinelethu Hashibi, a geologist translating geoscience for isiXhosa-speaking communities!

GeoTalk: meet Sinelethu Hashibi, a geologist translating geoscience for isiXhosa-speaking communities!

Hello Sinelethu! Thank you for joining this edition of GeoTalk. Could you introduce yourself and your background? Thank you for inviting me! I am Sinelethu Hashibi, from the Eastern Cape in South Africa. Currently, I am working on my PhD in mantle geochemistry at the University of Cape Town. I am particularly interested in the chemical and thermal structure of the lithospheric mantle, and how that ...[Read More]

Congratulations to the winners of the best EGU blogs of 2023!

Congratulations to the winners of the best EGU blogs of 2023!

If you’re a regular reader of the EGU blogs, you may notice a certain annual tradition of ours: we like to celebrate the contribution of our science writers and bloggers over the year gone by. And 2023 was no exception of course; we had a number of inspiring and thought-provoking blog posts published across the EGU’s official blog GeoLog and division blogs. Thank you to each one of you for your ti ...[Read More]

Are you ready to vote for your favourite Division blog of 2023?

Are you ready to vote for your favourite Division blog of 2023?

Our EGU blogging team has had a fantastic 2023 posting across our official blog, GeoLog and the division blogs. With the Near Year now officially upon us, you may know that we like to pause and reflect on our blogging efforts of the year gone by! Much like previous years, we saw yet again an impressive and insightful collection of blog posts throughout 2023. Most of our readers appreciate EGU’s bl ...[Read More]