Adriano, welcome to GeoTalk! As an Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry and Plant Biology, you work a lot on microbiology and chemistry related to soil management. Can you tell us a bit about how your work is relevant for society? Thank you, Chloe! It is a pleasure. My research in soil chemistry and microbiology directly contributes to understanding factors influencing crop yield and qual ...[Read More]
The geological period that no one talks about: menstruation in the field
Try typing the phrase ‘period in geosciences’ into Google. You’ll get something like ‘divisions of geological time’, and how we divide ancient earth time into eras, periods and epochs. We learn about this in the first year and again in every subsequent year of geological training. We are both geochronologists, so this is a topic we are deeply familiar with. But we are also both women. To us, and e ...[Read More]
Get the picture? How choosing the right photograph can add value to your science communication
If you are a scientist you probably know the value of a good, well designed image. The right graph or diagram can help the reader to really grasp the meaning of a complicated theory or process, help to illuminate a critical piece of data, or highlight a key finding. But whilst much advice exists about how to create effective, accessible images, what about photographs? In our early training, ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: #BlackInTheMud panellists reflect on Black in Geoscience Week 2020

After telling a personal and traumatizing field experience to my fellow colleagues of color, I found that we all had shared similar events! Shocked and outraged, I wanted to find a place to expose and highlight these events thus the #BlackInTheMud panel was created. Display content from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display conte ...[Read More]