You have been matched! I take a deep breath and click to open the message. Two women from Iran, a Master and a PhD student. Their research interests match mine: geohazards, geomorphology and modeling. I’m filled with pure joy. Being an Iranian woman myself, doing science outside of Iran for over two decades, I feel I am finally returning home. Carrying a backpack filled with knowledge and experien ...[Read More]
How to EGU22: Beyond the science – a world of networking, science for policy, mentoring, jobs and careers
With EGU’s first hybrid General Assembly soon approaching, we’re sure you’re browsing through the conference sessions to bookmark your favourite ones. The scientific sessions are certainly amongst the highlights every year, but did you know there’s so much more you can explore during the week-long event? EGU22 has an exciting program with sessions that go beyond the science – including Early Caree ...[Read More]
The EGU22 Mentoring Program could be just what your career needs
The countdown to EGU22 has officially begun! If you are participating in the General Assembly this year and want to support and connect with other researchers in or outside of your field, we encourage you to sign up for the EGU22 Mentoring Program. The program matches experienced conference participants (mentors) with those who have not previously participated in a large geoscience conference (men ...[Read More]
Being a mentor at the General Assembly 2020

With more than 16,000 participants, 5,000 oral presentations, 9,000 posters and 1,200 PICO presentations, the EGU General Assembly can be an overwhelming experience for any scientist, whether it’s your first time or 10th time attending. However, you can make conference networking a bit easier by signing up for the EGU 2020 Mentoring Programme! This mentoring scheme aims to facilitate new connectio ...[Read More]