

Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets

Subimal Ghosh wins the 2024 Alexander von Humboldt medal for unlocking Indian monsoon secrets

Last month, on 19 April 2024, Subimal Ghosh from IIT Bombay brought immense pride to India by receiving the Alexander von Humboldt Medal 2024 at the EGU 2024 General Assembly in Vienna, Austria. This prestigious award in Geoscience recognizes Ghosh’s exceptional work in hydrometeorology, climate services, climate education, and the societal impacts of the South Asian Summer Monsoon System. Ghosh i ...[Read More]

An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.

An end to the ‘manel’? 3 things you can do to help reduce the existence of all-male-panels.

I am pretty sure that everyone has had this experience at one time or another. You attend a meeting or conference and, despite the diversity of people in the audience, the people on the podium invited to speak are uniformly men. If you come from the same part of the world as I do (Western Europe) this experience can also probably be extended to the panel only being white, often native English spea ...[Read More]

My reflections of EGU’s evolving General Assembly over the years

My reflections of EGU’s evolving General Assembly over the years

The wind, funnelled downwards by the surrounding skyscrapers, whipped along Wagramer Strasse, as early morning traffic thundered by.  Past the Orthodox Church and then slightly uphill to the Kaisermühlen VIC underground station, where a stream of one-way traffic was already in full force, everybody proudly displaying their blue lanyards and most carrying the large black poster tubes that are so in ...[Read More]

EGU23 has something for everyone: Sessions on networking, policy, mentoring, jobs & careers

EGU23 has something for everyone: Sessions on networking, policy, mentoring, jobs & careers

As the 2023 General Assembly materializes on the horizon, it’s a good idea to take stock of what sessions you want to attend in advance of attending the assembly proper. Whilst the scientific sessions provide some of the highlights, EGU23 has a rich programme to tempt you to go beyond – including inline and in-person sessions dedicated to early career scientists (ECS) networking, job and careers, ...[Read More]