

GeoPolicy: Building stronger and more diverse communities at the science-policy interface

GeoPolicy: Building stronger and more diverse communities at the science-policy interface

There are numerous reasons why we should want to build stronger and more diverse scientific communities. Greater inclusivity leads to innovation, expands the pool of ideas, broadens perspectives, and encourages more people to engage. Strong and diverse scientific communities allow us to go beyond the information we can produce on our own and scale our research outcomes. But one reason not often ci ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: Meet the EGU’s next president, Helen Glaves

GeoTalk: Meet the EGU’s next president, Helen Glaves

GeoTalk interviews usually feature the work of early career researchers, but this month we deviate from the standard format to speak to Helen Glaves, the incoming president of the EGU. Helen has been involved with the Union for many years, also serving as Earth and Space Science Informatics Division President. Following a year as President-elect, Helen will become President at the 2021 General Ass ...[Read More]