

ECS at EGU23: networking events and more!

ECS at EGU23: networking events and more!

The EGU23 General Assembly have a plethora of events built for – and by – Early Career Scientists (ECS), from how to navigate Europe’s largest geoscience conference to developing your network and exploring your career choices. Below are some of the big things to look out for:    First-time attendee Networking (on-site only) Tue, 25 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CET) Room 3.29/30 If this is your fir ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: Your guide to science for policy at EGU23!

GeoPolicy: Your guide to science for policy at EGU23!

As the largest geoscience meeting in Europe with 14,000 onsite and 3,000 virtual participants expected this year, the EGU General Assembly has a huge range of scientific sessions that enable participations to gain a greater understanding about specific topics both within and outside of their research area. But more than this, there are also plenty of non-scientific sessions that participants can a ...[Read More]

How to EGU23: the Data Help Desk!

EGU two rocks with a river between image with text EGU23 data Help desk and the Data Help Desk logo

Do you have data-related questions? Are you looking to make your data and/or software open and FAIR? Are you interested in tools and resources for working with your data or for finding data to reuse? The Open Science and Data Help Desk is here for you! The Open Science and Data Help Desk, which is a program of the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), EGU, and American Geophysical Union (AGU) ...[Read More]

How to EGU23: using your personal programme to schedule the week

EGU cover for EGU23 (view between two rock outcrops with a river in the background) blue text in front that reads 'how to EGU23: using your personal programme to schedule the week'

Now that you have had a quick look at our programme for EGU23, maybe found your abstract or session, you probably have a few questions! This year’s scientific programme of the General Assemby includes Union-wide Sessions, such as the medal lectures, great debates, short courses, education and outreach sessions, as well as townhall and splinter meetings, just to name a few. The Disciplinary Session ...[Read More]