

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during September!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during September!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For September, the Divisions we are featuring are: Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL), Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI) and Hydrological Sciences (HS). They are served by the journals: Climate of the Pa ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Venice, the city of resilience, the city of mirrors and mirages

Imaggeo On Monday: Venice, the city of resilience, the city of mirrors and mirages

High tide captured during the morning of November 6th, 2023 in Piazza San Marco, Venice (Italy). The MOSE system of mobile gates, designed to defend the Venice lagoon from tides up to 3 metres high, is not activated for tide levels below 110 cm. However, when the tide reaches 83 cm, the lowest point of St. Mark’s Square begins to flood. Photo and caption by Maria Katherina Dal Barco, shared ...[Read More]

Researchers share insights from first-of-its-kind ice loss study of Antarctic Ice Sheet

Researchers share insights from first-of-its-kind ice loss study of Antarctic Ice Sheet

Hi Ronja and Emily, thank you for agreeing to doing this interview. Could you tell us briefly about your background and how you came to research your field? Emily: I have an environmental science/physical geography background and I have been working with an ice sheet model during and after my PhD to understand how glaciers and ice streams in Greenland and Antarctica may respond to climatic changes ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Tidal channel and saltmarsh in Germany

Tidal channel and saltmarsh in Germany

“A tidal channel (‘Priel’) in a saltmarsh of the Wadden Sea, northern Germany.” Tidal channels are an integral part of salt marshes and form naturally, connecting the marsh with the nearest water body. These tidal channels provide an ecological bounty for a diverse range of life, from plants to invertebrates to birds and mammals – and include many benefits for the peo ...[Read More]