GeoTalk interviews usually feature the work of early career researchers, but this month we deviate from the standard format to speak to Marina Drndarski, a biology teacher at the primary school Drinka Pavlović in Belgrade, Serbia. Marina has been involved with EGU’s geoscience education activities for more than five years; she is an active contributor to Planet Press articles, bitesize press relea ...[Read More]
A first-timer’s guide to the 2019 General Assembly
Will this be your first time at an EGU General Assembly? With more than 15,000 participants in a massive venue, the conference can be a confusing and, at times, overwhelming place. To help you find your way, we have compiled an introductory handbook filled with history, presentation pointers, travel tips and a few facts about Vienna and its surroundings. Download your copy of the EGU General Assem ...[Read More]
Geology is boring, right? What?! NO! Why scientists should communicate geoscience
From the highest reaches of the atmosphere to the deepest caverns below, the geosciences is a fascinating field dedicated to understanding just how the Earth (and other worlds) tick. But to many people, the Earth, planetary and space sciences are far from interesting or important. So how can geoscientists share their enthusiasm with the public? Catherine Pennington, an engineering geologist and sc ...[Read More]
A better framework for disasters
The end of the Northern hemisphere summer tends to be a good time to regroup from natural hazards, as the frequency and intensity of storms, as well as the incidence of wildfires, tends to trail off. At the time of writing, however, Hurricane Willa had just crashed into Mexico, while Typhoon Yutu has just hit the Northern Mariana Islands so hard that any equipment designed to record wind-speed had ...[Read More]