

Blogs and social media at EGU 2019 – tune in to the conference action

Blogs and social media at EGU 2019 – tune in to the conference action

With hundreds of oral presentations, PICO sessions and poster presentations taking place each day, it can be difficult to keep up with everything that is on offer during the General Assembly. As well as finding highlights of interesting conference papers, lectures and workshops in the daily newsletter at the General Assembly, EGU Today, you can also keep up to date with all the conference activiti ...[Read More]

Geoscientist meet-up before the Vienna City Marathon

Geoscientist meet-up before the Vienna City Marathon

The EGU General Assembly, officially starting on Sunday 7 April, will bring together around 14,000 attendees to Vienna, but it won’t be the biggest meet-up in the city that day. This year, not only are we expecting Earth, space and planetary scientists to descend on the city for EGU 2019, but also more than 40,000 people will participate in the Vienna City Marathon on Sunday morning. Are you a Gen ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: Double strombolian explosions at Mt. Yasur volcano

Imaggeo on Mondays: Double strombolian explosions at Mt. Yasur volcano

The Yasur volcano located in Vanuatu archipelago is permanently active since its discovery in 1774 by Cpt. James Cook. Its activity consists mainly in moderate regular strombolian explosions within the crater. But sometimes, more powerful explosions throw ash and bombs beyond the crater rim and may represent a hazard for tourists and people living next to the volcano. Otherwise, the Mt Yasur displ ...[Read More]