

#shareEGU20: how to participate in the live-streamed sessions

#shareEGU20: how to participate in the live-streamed sessions

The foundation of Sharing Geoscience Online, as the name of course suggests, is interacting with other scientists, whether via the presentation materials you upload, comments you exchange with colleagues, and/or the live text chats scheduled for each session. In addition to the text-based interactions, all week you’ll also be able to participate in a series of Union-wide sessions, short courses an ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: comments on your display presentation

#shareEGU20: comments on your display presentation

Now that you have uploaded your presentation materials, you might start to get some comments! This is great news and is exactly how we hope people will use our format to share ideas about their research. If you are wondering about how you will be informed that your display presentation has comments, how to reply and what to do if you need to report a comment for violating the EGU’s Code of C ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: publication and copyright

#shareEGU20: publication and copyright

Several questions have come up recently about uploading materials to #shareEGU20 and what that means in terms of copyright protections and publication. So we have decided to address two of the biggest questions here:   Will sharing my content on #shareEGU20 affect my chance of publishing it later? Short answer: No, it shouldn’t. Long answer: it depends on where you plan on publishing, as some ...[Read More]

Imaggeo on Mondays: A window to ice and fire

Imaggeo on Mondays: A window to ice and fire

Brown Bluff is a basalt tuya located on the Tabarin Peninsula of northern Antarctica. This site supports a breeding colony of about 20,000 pairs of adelie penguins and about 550 pairs of gentoo penguins. Geologically speaking, Brown Bluff is simply fascinating. The towering bluffs were the result of an explosive volcanic eruption under ice. Large boulders have toppled from Brown Bluff to the beach ...[Read More]