

GeoPolicy: Proposed cuts to EU science funding could slow future research and innovation

GeoPolicy: Proposed cuts to EU science funding could slow future research and innovation

As a European scientific union with over 20,000 members, the EGU is well positioned to provide feedback on the current and future state of research and innovation funding in Europe. The recent cuts to the EU’s 2021-2027 research budget from European Parliament’s initial proposal of €120 billion to the current proposal of €81 billion (at 2018 prices), will not only affect researchers througho ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Tragédia em Petropolis (Brazil)

Imaggeo On Monday: Tragédia em Petropolis (Brazil)

A series of deadly landslides and debris flows occurred in March 2013 in Petropolis, a municipality in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. This photo has been shot a little more than a month later. It highlights the important “supporting role” played by sewer pipes in this disaster. Description by Michele Calvello, after the description on   Imaggeo is the EGU’s ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: #BlackInTheMud panellists reflect on Black in Geoscience Week 2020

GeoTalk: #BlackInTheMud panellists reflect on Black in Geoscience Week 2020

After telling a personal and traumatizing field experience to my fellow colleagues of color, I found that we all had shared similar events! Shocked and outraged, I wanted to find a place to expose and highlight these events thus the #BlackInTheMud panel was created. Display content from YouTube Click here to display content from YouTube. Learn more in YouTube’s privacy policy. Always display conte ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: The many sides of Australia’s bushfires

Imaggeo On Monday: The many sides of Australia’s bushfires

Bushfires in Australia are frequent in the hot and dry months characteristic of its climate. Their severity and seasonality is affected by climate change, and they impact extensive areas every year.   At first sight, they might look harmful and dangerous, since they can cause property damage and loss of human life. However, the natural ecosystem has developed different strategies to either re ...[Read More]