
Regular Features

Why single solution strategies cannot solve the plastic pollution problem

Why single solution strategies cannot solve the plastic pollution problem

It appears that plastics have well and truly invaded even our most inaccessible environments: the deepest point in the ocean (the Mariana trench) and the highest mountain peak in the world (Mt. Everest) both contain pieces of plastic from human activities miles away. With plastic waste flowing into aquatic ecosystems expected to nearly triple by 2040, it is safe to say that nature is in “emergency ...[Read More]

GeoPolicy: Your summer time Science for Policy reading guide

GeoPolicy: Your summer time Science for Policy reading guide

With summer just around the corner, you might be starting to think about some of the ways in which you’d like to relax during upcoming holidays or field work! It’s incredibly important for us all to be able to switch off from our work life. Not only does it allow us to mentally and physically recover, but it can also provide us with new perspectives and inspiration. In this month’ ...[Read More]

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during May!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during May!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For May as we reflect on the General Assembly we are not highlighting any specific Division, so this month our GeoRoundup Journals will be alphabetical!   All highlights for May!   Atmospheric Chemistry and P ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet David Fernández-Blanco, your new Union-level Early Career Scientist Representative!

David Fernández-Blanco

Hello David. Thank you for agreeing to this interview! To break ground, could you tell our readers about yourself and your career background? Hi Simon. It’s my pleasure, thank you for inviting me. Well, I’m a Spanish “tectonicist” and I’ve been lucky to work in great institutions all over Europe; Amsterdam, Paris, Zürich, London, and Barcelona, where I live now… ...[Read More]