Science is a vital part of the policymaking process. It enables decision-makers to better understand the policy options that they have and the potential consequences of any actions or inaction. While it is just one factor that policymakers should consider during their decision-making process, it is an important one! This month’s GeoPolicy blog post will explore two different approaches that scient ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: Your summer time Science for Policy reading guide
With summer just around the corner, you might be starting to think about some of the ways in which you’d like to relax during upcoming holidays or field work! It’s incredibly important for us all to be able to switch off from our work life. Not only does it allow us to mentally and physically recover, but it can also provide us with new perspectives and inspiration. In this month’ ...[Read More]
Meet our EGU23 Communications Team!
Everything you see and hear about EGU’s upcoming General Assembly EGU23 is carefully created, designed and posted by our talented communications team! That’s right, this team – our fabulous four if you will – works diligently behind the scenes to manage our social media, blogging and the press conferences. These interns and volunteers are going to be assisting EGU Media and ...[Read More]
EGU23 Photo Competition finalists – who will you vote for?
This year’s Photo Competition judging panel did a fantastic job of narrowing down the outstanding photo submissions to the EGU’s Photo Competition to just 10 finalists! The finalist photos are listed below and on the Imaggeo website where you can vote for them from Sunday 23 April until Thursday, 27 April 2023 – voting closes at 18:00 CEST. The three photos with the most votes will be ...[Read More]