For the vEGU21 General Assembly, the EGU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group wanted to try something new. Working with artist Kelly Stanford, they have created an Open Access stock of geoscientist line-drawn portraits that can be downloaded during the vEGU21 and coloured in by you, your colleagues and of course your family and friends. In fact anybody with a set of coloured pencils or ...[Read More]
How to vEGU: Top 10 tips for promoting good online engagement for conveners
Conveners at #vEGU21 are just as important as they are during the physical meeting in Vienna! You can participate with the presenters in your session both by commenting on uploaded display materials and by facilitating the live vPICOs with the breakout author text-chats. But whilst many of you will be familiar with effective methods of engaging with people in person at a physical conference, you m ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: Your guide to science for policy at #vEGU21!
The EGU General Assembly is the largest geoscience meeting in Europe. It has a wide range of scientific sessions that you can attend to gain a greater understanding about specific topics both within and outside of your research area. Every year there are also numerous non-scientific sessions that can attend to expand your network, diversify your expertise, and develop new skills – including those ...[Read More]
How to vEGU: The EGU Code of Conduct
As part of this year’s General Assembly #vEGU21, between 19 and 30 April 2021, we are strongly committed to the principles of inclusivity and diversity and therefore require all our members and attendees to treat each other with basic courtesy and respect. This is why you may notice on all our guidelines we state that anyone who participates in #vEGU21 must behave according to the EGU Code of Cond ...[Read More]