
General Assembly

EGU awards and medals, a nominators guide by Malcolm Hart.

EGU awards and medals, a nominators guide by Malcolm Hart.

Many scientific societies and similar organisations make awards on an annual or regular basis. It is one way of recognising a distinguished career, contribution to the community, etc., or providing a boost to the development of an Early Career Scientist. In the case of EGU, all awardees are expected to give a presentation of their work; it is a way of generating a stimulating programme at the Annu ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: commenting and what happens to your displays

#shareEGU20: commenting and what happens to your displays

Now that the week of #shareEGU20 is over, you may be wondering what happens to your display materials. As the materials have been uploaded to our new digital repository, EGUsphere, they will remain available online in their current format for the foreseeable future. Remember to check the copyright selected by the author if you want to interact with any of the uploads, and feel free to contact the ...[Read More]