
General Assembly

Accessibility at EGU: Promoting inclusive language, an incomplete guide – VERSION 2!

Accessibility at EGU: Promoting inclusive language, an incomplete guide – VERSION 2!

Like all people, geoscientists can sometimes forget the importance of language. How scientists use language is important because it not only allows us to communicate effectively with different groups, from policymakers to concerned citizens and other researchers, but it can also influence how people respond on an emotional or personal level.  The way we use language can even influence how much som ...[Read More]

Open Access publishing and Open Science at conferences: what do you need to know?

Open Access publishing and Open Science at conferences: what do you need to know?

Earlier this week EGU’s Policy Officer, Chloe Hill was lucky enough to sit down with one of the many advocates for Open Access publishing on EGU’s Publications Committee: Ulrich Pöschl. Whilst all the members of our Publications Committee are fully committed to making EGU’s journals accessible and open, Ulrich has a unique perspective on this, as he is also the initiator and co-c ...[Read More]

Top 5 (Last Minute) Gifts for Geoscientists…!

Top 5 (Last Minute) Gifts for Geoscientists…!

So it’s the winter holidays, and you may be looking for some last-minute gifts for the geoscientists in your life. But because it’s 2020, if you haven’t got anything already, you may be getting worried: shipping times are taking longer and longer, and you might not even be able to visit the nearest shopping centre due to a lockdown.   If this is you, don’t panic: we’ve got you covered with th ...[Read More]

First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.

First-time convening an EGU session? Some advice from the Early Career Scientists.

With the most recent call for sessions for the next European Geosciences Union General Assembly, a diverse provisional programme has been put together. If you have been assigned your first EGU session as a convener – congratulations! But what happens now? Early Career Scientists representatives Andrea Madella (GM), Anna Gülcher (GD), and Tommaso Alberti (NPG) discuss what it’s like to conven ...[Read More]