
General Assembly

GeoPolicy: Building stronger and more diverse communities at the science-policy interface

GeoPolicy: Building stronger and more diverse communities at the science-policy interface

There are numerous reasons why we should want to build stronger and more diverse scientific communities. Greater inclusivity leads to innovation, expands the pool of ideas, broadens perspectives, and encourages more people to engage. Strong and diverse scientific communities allow us to go beyond the information we can produce on our own and scale our research outcomes. But one reason not often ci ...[Read More]

Who is an EGU Early Career Scientist Representative and what do they do?

Who is an EGU Early Career Scientist Representative and what do they do?

Early Career Scientists (ECS) are students, PhD candidates and scientists who received their highest degree within the last seven years (with extensions for parenting, illness, disability and national service). We make up over 60% of the EGU membership and we are active in research, science communication, publishing, Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives, networking, convening and mak ...[Read More]

A helping hand: what career support does EGU offer?

A helping hand: what career support does EGU offer?

One of the biggest challenges anyone leaving their undergraduate degree faces is often what to do next? Do you pursue a career inside academia, or seek work in a different field, in industry or policy, or something completely different? What if you change your mind part way down one of those paths and want to change, either moving back into academic research at a later stage, or leaving academia a ...[Read More]

20 years and 22 Divisions: EGU Division Presidents share their stories

20 years and 22 Divisions: EGU Division Presidents share their stories

It’s official: Europe’s leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space research has now entered the third decade of its existence! This week, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) celebrated its 20th birthday. Since it was first founded, EGU has grown in strength and scale to include 22 scientific divisions, responsible for activities related to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. I spoke ...[Read More]