If you are registered for the EGU23 General Assembly (23 – 28 April), you can take part in our annual photo competition. Winners receive free registration to next year’s General Assembly! It’s that time of year again! Yes, today, the 13 January, the thirteenth annual EGU photo competition opened for submissions!! Until 31 March, every participant registered for the General Assembly can submi ...[Read More]
Top 5 Gifts for Geoscientists (2022 edition!)
The nights are growing darker as winter approaches here in the Northern Hemisphere, and if you are in Europe you are probably thinking about what gifts to get that special geoscientist in your life! We know sourcing appropriately nerdy and/or geology related gifts can sometimes be a challenge, so once again we in the EGU office are back to help you out with our top 5 gifts you could get for your f ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: Building stronger and more diverse communities at the science-policy interface
There are numerous reasons why we should want to build stronger and more diverse scientific communities. Greater inclusivity leads to innovation, expands the pool of ideas, broadens perspectives, and encourages more people to engage. Strong and diverse scientific communities allow us to go beyond the information we can produce on our own and scale our research outcomes. But one reason not often ci ...[Read More]
Who is an EGU Early Career Scientist Representative and what do they do?
Early Career Scientists (ECS) are students, PhD candidates and scientists who received their highest degree within the last seven years (with extensions for parenting, illness, disability and national service). We make up over 60% of the EGU membership and we are active in research, science communication, publishing, Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives, networking, convening and mak ...[Read More]